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# Edit each royal couple page and change '''Ivar the Black and Asney Grimolfrsdottir''' into '''[[Ivar the Black]] and [[Asney Grimolfrsdottir]]'''
# Edit each royal couple page and change '''Ivar the Black and Asney Grimolfrsdottir''' into '''[[Ivar the Black]] and [[Asney Grimolfrsdottir]]'''
# Add the [[:Category:People]] tag to their individual page
# Add the [[:Category:People]] tag to their individual page
# Add something like "Ivar was the [[Ivar and Asney|thirteenth prince]] of [[Avacal]]" to Ivar's page, as well as any other noteworthy comments (peerages, current activities or interests, etc). Photos and their arms would be good too.
# Add something like "Ivar was the [[Ivar and Asney|thirteenth prince]] of [[Avacal]]" to Ivar's page, as well as link to his OP entry and any other noteworthy comments (peerages, current activities or interests, etc). Photos and their arms would be good too.

== 40YC ==
== 40YC ==

Revision as of 18:42, 16 May 2006

Raw data waiting to be distributed to its real home, or pages observed needing work.

Sven and Signy Royal Progress

The following events are on the Royal Progress:

5/13 - 5/14 40 Year Celebration - Barony of Glymm Mere (Randle, WA) 5/19 - 5/21 May Crown Tournament - Shire of Ambergard (Moses Lake, WA) 5/26 - 5/28 Celtic Revolt - Barony of Wealdsmere (Spokane, WA)

--Elizabeth Braidwood 14:07, 15 May 2006 (EDT)

Tir Righ Spring Coronet Tournament XL/2006

Greetings Everyone....

Well it was a wonderful Coronet event , the weather co-operated and I hope that all had as wonderful time attending as Cae Mor did hosting :).

As with any event of this size it doesn't happen by itself, there were a number of wonderful individuals who worked very hard to make this happen and I would like to thank them...

To our Esteemed Highnesses of Tir Righ, Prince Ulf and Princess Amanda who made the journey to the sunny lands of Cae Mor.

To our wonderful feast-o-crats who slaved away all day to feed us such a delicious repast... Li Ban ingen Echtigeirn Tadgg h-ua Faelan of Clan MacNessa

To all our helpers and judges who came out and made this event happen... Her Excellency Ban-Tanist Ksenia Einarsdottir Liam Dughlass...who never left gate... Adrianna MacAVerr Gregor "Chuck" of Aquaterra Tewl ap Gover Betha of Dawlish Rhiannon of Shrewsberry Wlfryd of Leedes Elizabeth Braidwood Gwynedd verch Gryphon Ardwyad Iorwerth Kensae McBeen Ebhilin Bernadette Ard Greylond of Trealoch Julianne Cardenell Josephine Blackthorne Chiara Guizzo Elena Birmingham Kaylee Elizabeth Medb Calum McCamon Linnet Kestrel Elanor Wrenn Duncan Durroch Draven M. Magdelena Kress Guidobaldo Thomas of Appledore Aldgudana Thora Golvik Thorin Olafsson Ljotr Einarsson Kristie Saunders Kaylee Abriel Bailey Hughes Tracy Petley With out these people it would not have been possible.

Thanks to the all the fighters who travelled up, the amazing Arts and Sciences competitors and the of course the horse and fighters in the blue helmet tourney :)

Hugs Cinara beguy Urdina

--Elizabeth Braidwood 14:40, 15 May 2006 (EDT)

Court Report Ulf and Bernadette

Unto All Gentles on the Northern Road, I give you Good Greetings:

Be it known to all Her Highness Bernadette’s official title during Her reign shall be ban-Fhlaith pronounced “ban-lah”. (Irish for “female prince”)

Court Report of Their Highnesses Prince Ulf and ban-Fhlaith Bernadette Tir Righ Winter Investiture November 20, 2004 AS 39 Shire of False Isle

November 20, 2004 AS XXXIX (39)

  • Swearing of Fealty by Royal Retinue. Head Lady-in-Waiting identified as HL Yolande Chastellain and Head Guard as Lord Sigurd Kerr de Roxburgh. Retinue identifiers are red Varangian cloaks for the Princes' Guard, blue and white baldrics made by Lady Mederi from Dansecombe for the Princess' Protectors, and blue and white inkle loom armbands made by Lady Eleanor Wrenn from Ramsgaard for all the Royal Retinue
  • Kheron Azov - Lions Gate - Viscount
  • Ksenia Einarsdottir - Lions Gate - Viscountess
  • Ksenia Einarsdottir - Lions Gate - Order of the Ladies of Valorous Estate (ban-Fhlaith Bernadette gifted her with a wood and rose tapestry sewing box, a round silver box with a sun engraved on the lid, and 3 blush roses)
  • ban-Fhlaith Bernadette gifted Prince Ulf; in the hopes of having a reign with good spirits; with a viking haversack made by Lady Eleanor Wrenn inscribed with the words "May you always have good spirits", the haversack of course being filled with scotch.
  • Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland - Lions Gate - Silver Pillar (there was a resounding noise and standing ovation for Her Excellency)

November 21, 2004 AS XXXIX

  • Guidobaldo Marco Odo d'Aquila - Lions Gate - Tir Righ Rapier Champion. There were 12 entrants in the Lists, and he bested Enoch Jacobsz van Zuidenland, his student, in the final round by killing Enoch in the first two fights. Augustine and Randolph Dana were eliminated in the semi-finals.
  • Lasairiona inghean Uilliam na Seoltadh - Lions Gate - Guardian of Tir Righ - was thanked for her contributions and presented with a Guardian token of blue and white hand-made glass made by Lady Marionella from Lions Gate.
  • At the request of Her Highness, the marshalls kept careful watch for the most chivalric fighter of the tournament, Rapier Marshal Magdalena Kress announced the winner of the Chivalry prize - Student to Don Pierce O'Briain, Kateryn Drake. ban-Fhlaith Berndatte gifted her with a beautiful green glass bead necklace made by Danika Peocile de Lenora from Lionsdale and expressed her joy that the recipient fighter was a Lady!!!
  • Autocrats thanked the populace and Their Excellencies Kheron and Ksenia and Their Highnesses Ulf and Bernadette, gifting Them with gift baskets of mead, chocolate and fruit brought up with all the memebers of False Isle present. In turn, ban-Fhlaith Bernadette thanked the Autocrats with a note-book hand-made by HL Aelana Cordovera and commented on how many of the faces were not seen on the day before as many of them were busy in the kitchen and organising behind the scenes.Her Highness expressed her thanks to the whole shire for all their amazing hard work.

Yours In Service, Yslisabeata Tabassum al’Zarqa, Princess Talon of Favour Royal Secretary to Their Highnesses Tir Righ Ulf II and Bernadette Deputy A&S Minister Principality of Tir Righ Kingdom of AnTir

--Elizabeth Braidwood 14:40, 15 May 2006 (EDT)

Daffodil, March 2006

  • Add link to this event on Daffodil Tournament
  • create empty event page
  • Add raw data below to event page under heading "Event Copy"

Daffodil XXIX Barony of Seagirt (Victoria, BC) March 18, 2006

The Baron and Baroness of Seagirt invite you to attend the 28th Daffodil Tournament and Feast. Join Their Excellencies James and Glynis as they host guests from the far corners of An Tir and watch the tournaments to choose the Defender of Seagirt (armoured) and the Captain of the Grenadiers (rapier). There will also be a prize target archery tournament. Their Highnesses Tir Righ will be in attendance.

Pre-registration for Daffodil is available. The menu for the feast is posted on the website.

Site opens 9:00 am, closes midnight.Site: Saanich Fairgrounds, 1528 Stellys X Road, Saanichton BC, V8M 1S8. Website:

Autocrat: Lady Elina Karsdottir 716 Belton Ave. Victoria, BC V9A 2Z6 250 592-9119 Email:

A&S Contests: Costuming, Daffodil in Any Medium. Coordinator: HL Antonia Fraser, 250 598-9978

Merchant contact: HL Anastasia Daysshe 250 474-6174 Email: There is a fee for merchants. It is $5.00/ 10 foot frontage.

Pre-registration available. Feast ticket cut-off is March 11, 2005. NMS of $4 CAD/$3 USD in effective for this event. See website for form. Send Pre-registration to the Autocrat at the address listed above.


ADULTS (19+), Feast & Site fee: $25 CAD/$22 USD .Day Fee: $12 CAD, $11 USD. YOUTHS (13-18): Feast & Site fee: $18 CAD, $16 USD Day Fee: $7 CAD, $ 6 USD. CHILDREN (12 and under): no Site fee; feast fee $11 CAD, $10 USD.There is a family cap on the site fee (not feast fee) of $38 CAD, $32 USD. Make cheques payable to “Barony of Seagirt”.

Directions: From the south: Exit ferry at Swartz Bay, follow Highway until you reach Mt Newton X Rd. (Waddling Dog). Turn right, pass the Prairie Inn at E Saanich Rd. Take next left, Wallace Dr. Follow Wallace to Stelly’s X Rd. Turn right. Site is 1/4 mile on your right. From Coho ferry: turn right out of ferry terminal, stay on this road - becomes Blanshard and then Highway 17. Follow to Mt. Newton X Road, follow instruction above. From up Island, follow Highway 1 to McKenzie Road, turn left. Take exit on right to Highway 17 (ferries) and follow instructions above.

--Elizabeth Braidwood 14:40, 15 May 2006 (EDT)

Lions Gate May Bardic Event Copy

  • Add entry to event list at May Bardic
  • Create event page using template
  • Add copy below under "Event Copy"

In addition to the regularly scheduled Fighting, Barding, Creating and Feasting, this year’s special edition event will also see several other activities for the populace to participate in and enjoy:

  • Siege Sewing Contest*: The Barony is under siege!!! Whatever shall we wear??!!??-This contest is open to all. Individual or team entries allowed. Pick your victim …er… model from whoever is available. Materials will be provided at Gate. Please bring your own scissors. No sewing machines allowed (that’s cheating :). Winners will be determined after a Fashion Show by the contestants.
  • Tabletop Trebuchet Contest*: Viscountess Bernadette invites all would-be inventors and tacticians to ply their skill and create a war-machine worthy of firing only the softest marshmallows and finest grapes. Trebuchets should fit on a tabletop and be small enough to be carried by one person. Prizes given for furthest shot, highest shot, and lightest construction.
  • Picnic Lunch Auction* – With proceeds to benefit the Tir Righ Travel Fund, Lions Gate is pleased to hold a Picnic Lunch auction Sunday afternoon. Please bring your basket/box lunch for 2 and enter it in the contest… and bid on your favourite luncheon.
  • Royal Games Tournament For the Principality of Tir Righ* - Open to all, The Storm Thrones invite the populace of Tir Righ to join in to the "Royal Games Tournament". Anyone who is part of the Principality may join; no previous experience is required. At most, if not all, of the events that the Prince and/or Princess attend within the boundaries of Tir Righ, there will be a Game Tournament, with different game for each tournament. Anyone who participates in the tournament will get 1 point. The person who comes in third at the tournament will get 1 extra point, second place gets 2 extra points and the person who comes in first will get the prize for that tournament and 3 extra points. At the twilight of Their Highnesses Reign, the person with the most points will receive a special prize.
  • Blue Helm Tournament* – Come witness and cheer the next generations of Fighters as they test their skills on the field of honourable combat, some for the first time. Tourney will be held in the Erics. Tourney open to all Smalls.
  • Merchants Lunch* – Held on Saturday afternoon, provided by the Heavy Fighters of Lions Gate with funds aiding the Heavy Fight Practices. Bring your coins and your appetite.
  • Alphabet Soup Site Token Contest* – collect your alphabet beads and details at GATE when you sign-in.
  • Pied Piper* – Pied Piper will be providing scheduled activities for the smalls throughout the event. Please remember this is not a babysitting service, so please mind your smalls.
  • Bardic Revel and Potluck Feast*: Bring a dish for 8-12, your feast gear and seating… or if you prefer not to contribute or partake of the feast (for food allergy or preference reasons), bring your own dinner and join us anyway… More details to come…

For more information, please contact Lady Sionann in Ui Fhlaithbheartaig (

--Elizabeth Braidwood 14:47, 15 May 2006 (EDT)

Royal Progress: Ulf and Amanda

  • Use this list to check/update Ulf and Amanda's Royal Progress at Ulf and Amanda

Awards granted recently by Their Highnesses Tir Righ, Prince Ulf and Princess Amanda:

  • Tournament of Roses - Shire of Danescombe - February 4, 2006 AS 40*

Serrin Bislev (Ravensweir) - Award of Arms Erinn O'Keely (Ravensweir) - Award of Arms Eskya Skerlenger (Ravensweir) - Award of Arms

  • Lover's Court - Shire of Eisenmarche - February 18, 2006 AS 40*

Siobhan the Wanderer (Frozen Mountain) - L'Etoile d'Argent (Tir Righ) Evanglina du Lac (Frozen Mountain) - Silver Pillar (Tir Righ)

  • Red Lantern Feast - Shire of Dregate - February 25, 2006 AS 40*

Noelle della Montagna (Dregate) - Award of Arms

  • Feast of Fellowship - Shire of Appledore - March 11, 2006 AS 40*

Malcolm of Lamont (Appledore) - Silver Pillar (Tir Righ) Phoenix the Wireweaver (Appledore) - Award of Arms Isobella of Wyndhaven (Appledore) - Glowing Ember (Tir Righ)

  • Daffodil Tournament and Feast - Barony of Seagirt - March 18, 2006 AS 40*

Anna-Jane Burd (Seagirt) - Award of Arms Kathrine of Crickstow (Seagirt) - Award of Arms Batu Ttísuvn (Seagirt) - Award of Arms Caieya (Seagirt) - Award of Arms Aodag·n Duueglas (Seagirt) - Award of Arms Fjorleif Fjeldoittir (Ravensley) - Award of Arms Sara Hawthorne (Ravensley) - Award of Arms Ming Lum Pee (Seagirt) - Hafoc (Tir Righ) Catherine Townson (Seagirt) - L'Etoile d'Argent (Tir Righ) William of the Battered Helm (Lions Gate) - Hafoc (Tir Righ)

  • Eisenmarche Tournament and Feast - Shire of Eisenmarche - April 1, 2006

AS 40* Elanor Wrenn (Ramsgaard) - L'Etoile d'Argent

/Bestowed on behalf of King Uther and Queen Angharad: December 3, 2005 AS 40/ Drusus Marcellanus (Eisenmarche) - Award of Arms Nigel Bard of Swansea (Eisenmarche) - Award of Arms Diana the Devious (Eisenmarche) - Award of Arms Bear the Conqueror (Eisenmarche) - Award of Arms

/Bestowed on behalf of Prince Ieuan and Princess Gwyneth: April 2, 2005 AS 40/ Quanhtlehaunitzin (Eisenmarche) - Award of Arms

Congratulations to all!

My apologies if I have missed anyone. Please send all updates/changes/corrections to:

HL Yolande Chastellain Principality of Tir Righ Deputy Herald - OP Assistant Head of Retinue to Their Highnesses Tir Righ Prince Ulf and Princess Amanda

--Elizabeth Braidwood 14:47, 15 May 2006 (EDT)

Tir Righ

Just a short note to say that I appreciate the populace images in the Tir Righ library. Thanks to all who sent in their photos! Thanks to those who started the idea and those who maintain the page(s)!

I like being able to look up a name so I can put a face to these faceless emails...

--Elizabeth Braidwood 14:47, 15 May 2006 (EDT)


--Elizabeth Braidwood 15:26, 15 May 2006 (EDT)

--Elizabeth Braidwood 14:41, 16 May 2006 (EDT)

Eisenmarche Shire Banquet and Champions Tournament

  • If you can't find a link on the Eisenmarche page, you may need to create event page

These pictures are exclusively of the Heavy Bear Pit Tourney. Sorry, it is all the battery I had in my camera. I have identified the people I knew, but if you aren't named or would like a picture with you in it, removed please let me know.

The fighting was great! Congratulations to Sir Owain who emerged victorious. Also Congratulations to Petro (sp?) who was squired to Viscount Einar in a very humorous ceremony.

The feast was awesome! The quantity of food was enormous! Huge pat on the back to the feast team!

Also a huge thank-you to HLS Desiree, the autocrat for all her work. I hope she is resting well today.

Ewan of Loch Fynne

--Elizabeth Braidwood 16:24, 15 May 2006 (EDT)

People Pages for Royalty

Need to create Category:People pages for all royalty.

  1. Edit each royal couple page and change Ivar the Black and Asney Grimolfrsdottir into Ivar the Black and Asney Grimolfrsdottir
  2. Add the Category:People tag to their individual page
  3. Add something like "Ivar was the thirteenth prince of Avacal" to Ivar's page, as well as link to his OP entry and any other noteworthy comments (peerages, current activities or interests, etc). Photos and their arms would be good too.


  • Add to 40YC page under "Event Highlights"

Greetings all,

 I wish to express my thanks and gratitude to all those who helped to make youth activities a success at the 40 Year Celebration.
 First off, to our marvelous instructors/sponsors- HL Fionnghuala inghean mhic Oitir, Alwynd McBride, Lady May de Blatha An Oir, Godith of Goosefoot Mead, HL Saikhan Naranaimorin, HL Angharad ver' Reynulf, Lady Mabel de Wymburn, Eithne of Blatha An Oir and Isabella of Wallingford,. From a medieval figure making class to a visit to meet the horses to making clay buttons, the children had a wide base of unique opportunities. My thanks to these busy ladies for their time and efforts.
 Next, to those who planned on volunteering... and those who simply stepped forward to help as needs arrived. Seirid, Tarna and Caidwen are ever the constant support without whom I could not function. And now to my real heroes- the parents who jumped in when hands grew short. Your assistance was invaluable- I really don't know what I would have done without you. To Countess Caia Snowden, Celeste Direwolf, Nancy Quade... and the many, many others who lent a hand, you have my sincerest gratitude.
 The Keep provided many wonderful activities at their "Festival of Fools." By all reports, a fantastic time was held by all.
 I apologize if I have inadvertently forgotten a name but your service and willingness to help the young ones amongst us shall never be forgotten.
 Finally, thanks to the Shire of Fire Mountain Keep, the Barony of Glymm Mere, and the fine autocrat, Countess Sineidin. It was a pleasure to serve with you.
 In Service,
 Lady Una Glamdottir
 40 Year Pied Piper

40YC Memories

  • Add to 40YC page under "Memories"


I was there the final weekend and must say that it was a blast! I was camped over between the equestrian arena and the court pavilion. During court on Saturday it was really cool hearing cheers from the pavilion echo off the mountainside behind us before the next cheer started.



The (attendance) numbers I got from folks who were working around the gate was just over 2K.



What a fabulous event it was! The site is absolutely gorgeous and *huge* - plenty of room for whatever sort of expansion in the future. The water is in and tastes fine. The Great Hall was hopping, the mead and ale flowing, the food tasty. There were loads of merchants, a really good selection of wares. (I'll never forget my first taste of pickled herring sushi - heh!) The children seemed well occupied and happy (albeit the pipers were exhausted - seems something more should be done to help them, yes). The first couple of days were a bit wet and chilly, but there's unfortunately nothing Baron Emiel can do about that... yet.  :)

Thank you to everybody who helped make this happen! I can't wait for Autumnwar!  :)

--Hjordis Olvirsdottir Ravenstead Household
