Tir Righ Summer Investiture XL/2005: Difference between revisions

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; Date : 13-15 May XL/2005
; Date : 13-15 May XL/2005
; Branch : Krakenfjord (Vernon, B.C.)
; Branch : [[Krakenfjord]] (Vernon, B.C.)
; Autocrats : Gabriele & Ruaidhri Silverhand
; Autocrats : Gabriele & Ruaidhri Silverhand
; Site : Fintry Provincial Park Campground, Vernon B.C.
; Site : Fintry Provincial Park Campground, Vernon B.C.
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: Silent Auction
: Silent Auction

=Court Record=
==Event Highlights==
(Hint: Stuff that happened in Court, or who won the contests, or that happened to all or most people on site e.g. a windstorm, or banquet details. Include links to other pages as appropriate.)
(Awaiting permission to post. --[[User:Braidwood|Elizabeth Braidwood]])

The event was attended by Their Royal Majesties, [[Skeggi and Taisiia | King Skeggi and Queen Taisiia]].
Let those who read know this is a Chronicle of the
Last Court of our Storm [[Ulf and Bernadette|Prince Ulf]] Bloodfoot
Fallgrson and our [[Ulf and Bernadette|ban-Fhlaith, Bernadette]] Eibhlin
Ard, Suzerains Tir Righ by the grace of Their Royal
Majesties, [[Skeggi and Taisiia]], King and Queen of An
Tir, and lest it be forgotten, of the Investiture and
First Court of their Heirs, [[Ieuan and Gwyneth]] Gower,
Fifth of the Line of the Storm Thrones.
The sun and clouds played hunker-down in the Northern
skies, as our doughty Prince and noble ban-Fhlaith
followed their liege, the fearsome Skeggi Hrafensfuri
into the court. Drummed and heralded in with
well-spoken words of might and inspiration, they
called for their Heirs to join them in front of the
populace of Tir Righ. Came forth then Tanist Ieuan
Gower and ban-Tanist Gwyneth, his wife. Thus was begun
the final Court of Ulf and Bernadette, foruth Prince
and Princess of these Royal Lands.
Of Officers of State, Tir Righ has many of goodly
repute, and one such was called forth to relinquish
her office, not for any wrong-doing, but so that she
might perform a higher service. Her Excellency Gwyneth
Gower, who had served as Minister of Lists for Tir
Righ offered up that office to a successor, as she
would soon become too busy with her new position to do
the Office of Lists proper justice. With a wry comment
from Royal lips, (for her cheerfulness of expression),
was the noble lady [[Finna Kettilsdottir]] sworn in as Tir
Righ's Minister of the [[Lists]], and she did take Oath
with the Storm Prince Ulf. and ban-Fhlaith Bernadette,
even as Her Excellency Gwyneth took her High Seat at
the King's side.
A joyful duty of Royalty is the recognition of
deserving gentles, of which Tir Righ is well-blessed.
One such, whose studies have shone forth as above
reproach, and whose myriad skills and efforts have
greatly inspired many of the land, for her camp, her
clothing and accoutrements, and her bearing and free
sharing of the knowledge she has gained. For all this
and more, was [[Juahara]] bidden to attend Their
Highnesses, and granted membership of the Order of the
Red Flame, shown upon a scroll crafted by the hands of
Mistress [[Sieglynda of Elphinstone]]. Loud was the
jubilance of the gathering at this spectacle.
When rayonny grew the weather (as the song goes), the
assembled Royalty made room for the populace under the
shelter of Their awning, and thus They gathered to
Their bosom the people of Tir Righ. All were exhorted
to remember well this day by Mistress [[Elizabeth Braidwood]],
and to hold it close to their hearts, for
one day, when many years have passed, and the Royal
Lands have grown into a full Crown of Honour, those
who were there would be able to say, "I remember when
the whole Realm fit under one roof!" A laugh followed,
of joyous hearts full of hope for that distant day.
Then did [[Caiaphas]] come forward to present some work of
his own hands to Their Highnesses,  and their
Excellencies, with sampling to the Laughing Lion of An
Tir, a bottle each of the aquae vitae, or as we of
Erin call it, uisceagh bagh. It was a fresh and
vibrant distillage, young yet, but sure to improve
should it survive so long. Said Caiaphas of his
distillation, "Tuesday of last week was a good year,"
and great laughter ensued from this expression.
Indeed, His Majesty did state upon sampling the
elixir, that it was a "very wet Scotch".
Lest it be forgotten, Caiaphas then invited all to
come to the [[Honey War]], held to the South of the Royal
Lands, sure to be a fiercesome and wild battle at the
River Glen farm. He did so invite, on behalf of his
Baron, Andreu the Reckless of [[Aquaterra]].
His Highness Prince Ulf, Storm Prince of Tir Righ then
stood forth and spoke wisely and well, of the deeds
and services given unto the Principality, and called
for the presence of one [[Aberant]] of the Wolf Pack to be
recognized in front of the populace. He was not
however immediately present, but he was howled for by
one of his lupine brethren, and came forthwith. Then,
knelt he before the Storm Thrones, and those hands did
welcome him into the ranks of the Armed, as he was
awarded Arms, by the will of Skeggi and Taisiia, noble
Lions of An Tir. And there was much rejoicing.
Then did the ban-Fhlaith, fair Bernadette speak words
of grace and gratitude, as she regaled the populace
with the long scroll of services of one Mistress [[Sielglynda of Elphinstone]],
Companion of the Laurel. This noble Lady
had given so freely of her arts and inspiration, of
her service and education that Her Highness was
honoured to bestow upon her a shining Star of Silver.
The secret of this awarding was hardest to keep, for
the scroll was crafted by a member of her own
household, Lady [[Briony Gwenhwyfar of Rumm]]. There were tears and
embraces, and the populace rejoiced to see such
rewards so well placed.
Then came a shock, as His Highness the Tanist and his
lovely ban-Tanist took Their leave, and were chased
from the court with words most fierce from the Storm
Prince, a Knight dismissing a recalcitrant Squire. The
populace was taken aback, and more was to come of
The well-voiced Herald then called for the attendance
of one of like Service, as [[Guillaume de la Flamme Rouge]]
was commanded into the Royal Presence. He knelt
before Their Highnesses, and received of Them smiles,
as he was recognized for his services to Their lands,
and for his enrichment of the whole of the Land given
arms by the will of Their Royal Majesties, [[Skeggi and
Taisiia]]. As the populace celebrated, he was asked by
His Majesty to place a sail somewhere on his arms, in
remembrance of some specific incident.
The Shire of [[Krakenfjord]] then brought forth an
outpouring of gifts to rival any show of generosity.
Kraken's Gold, the well-famed liquor, by the bottle;
sweetmeats and earthenwares, and lovely jeweled
bracelets, as well as the well-crafted haversacks that
bore the gifts. For Her Highness, they also gave forth
a lovely bannerlet, embroidered with the interlace of
our shared homeland. They were then thanked for their
hosting of the doings of that day, and congratulated
on the beauty of their holdings, even thanked for
their stewardship of the lands. The [[Herald]] then
exhorted a great cheer for the noble Shire's display
of generosity and for the skill of the gifts'
Then was another called forth to be recognized for her
services, and though [[Rhiannon MacBairn]] was not
present, His Lordship [[Thorin Olaffson]] knelt in her
stead, as she was awarded Arms, by the will of Their
Royal Majesties Thorin and Dagmaer, of fond memory.
That noble Lord was given the care of her scroll until
such time as that good Lady could receive it. Clear of
voice, Her Ladyship [[Margaree ny Kenneth]] the Herald called for cheers, and
there was much rejoicing.
The populace was much enlightened as the Protectors of
the Princess came forth, that inspiring array of
archers who served Her Highness so well, and showed
forth their skill at every opportunity, doing Her
honour with every round shot. They came forth to
present their ban-Fhlaith gifts with a point, or more
truthfully, twelve points: a full dozen shafts,
fletched and pointed, all crafted by their own hands,
termed in jest a "bouquet", and likewise a quiver as a
vase to hold them. This they gave Her, to thank Her
for Her patronage of their art, and our noble Princess
was overcome by tears at their gift, and their great
and gracious services to Her. She spoke quiet words of
heartfelt thanks, well-salted by Her tears, which were
shared by no few of that illustrious guard.
Her Highness then spoke many words of gratitude for
all those who had given so freely of their time and
skills and the work of their hands for the reign,
showing a face glowed by tears. She named them, but
this scribe has not fast enough hands to note all
their names. One She named who is large in this
observer's memory is the noble Lady [[Yolande Chastellain]],
who performed so many services so well
that the ban-Fhlaith felt She would have been lost
lacking her presence. That ardent servant could not be
in attendance, but Her Highness felt it necessary to
announce that she had been given a Princess' Talon of
Favour for her labours, both figurative and literal,
for she soon would be giving birth to her first child,
and thus enriching Tir Righ even more.
It was announced that next [[Tir Righ Spring Coronet Tournament XL/2006|April's Coronet Tournament]]
would be held in [[Cae Mor]] when the year had turned,
and all were entreated to attend, and sample the
glorious hospitality and warm hearts and hearths of
that place, for when Her Highness had traveled there,
She was given a welcome She had yet to see equalled,
and much enjoyment of their company as well.
The Kingdom [[Exchequer]] having journeyed far to attend
Their Highnesses Court, brought forth some small
tokens, sweetmeats of substance for Their enjoyment,
and the King demanded His share of the gift, as is
right and proper. This Officer then announced that she
would be happy to meet and discuss matters of finance
and stewardship as should be brought to her, with
those under her purview and any interested parties,
and gave a location where she was to be found for the
rest of the day. She was thanked for her attendance
and the efforts which she had made to perform this
Her Highness then spoke volumes of the [[War Moot]] of
recent attendance. Those who shared the experience
with Her learned much, and She exhorted those that
were not to listen with an open mind to the teachings
of those that were, as An Tir's armies make the
transference from infantry tactics to cavalry tactics,
and that to do so would ensure An Tir's ability to
make better War. At this, there was much rejoicing.
Five ladies of skill and dedication were then called
forth. Mistress [[Sieglynda of Elphinstone]], Her Ladyship [[Safiye Konstantiniyye]], and
Lady [[Eidanna Bebhinn]], Lady [[Briony Gwenhwyfar]] and Lady [[Aislinn Fiona of Rumm]] knelt at Her
Highness' feet, and She chose to bestow upon them
Talons of Favour for the joyfulness of their service
to Her. With embraces and more tears, She gave them
tokens and much affection, and thanked them most
graciously for all they have done for Her.
ban-Fhlaith Bernadette then spoke of those who are the
future of Tir Righ: the children whose service and
honourable bearing draws great favour. Comparing them
to the shining sparks of a fire, who should be fanned
to greater brightness and nurtured to become the
hearthfires of the Royal Land, She called for the
father of two such children to receive for them the
Glowing Ember. Thus His Lordship [[Thorin Olafsson]] accepted the
keeping of two such scrolls, for his children,
Cerridwen Thorinsdottir  and Caleb Thorinsson.
Then was the Retinue, those gentles who had given
freely of their time and service to Ulf and
Bernadette, called forth to accept Their thanks, and
to be released form Their service. Her Highness the
ban-Fhlaith presented each with a token She had made
Herself, to represent Her gratitude, and with tears of
joy and gratitude, She embraced them all. The mighty
Prince smiled and thanked them in His own words, even
the Gypsy who had made unstinting offers to "help", or
to "taste" the many gifts and sweetmeats They had been
given. He spoke of the many hundreds of hours of
generous service, and how this had made the reign
Her Highness then called for the presence of her Lord husband,
His Lordship [[Kenzie MacBeign]], and with small and private words,
gave him a token as well and a drink for them to share
later. Heartfelt these whisperings, and both rose with
tears shining in their eyes.
As Her lord returned to his place in the court, She
then knelt before the Storm Prince, who gazed down at
Her with surprise in His pale eyes. The fair
ban-Fhlaith spoke then words of thanks, with tokens
for His honouring of Her by the sharing of the Storm
Thrones. He replied, most genteely, that the honour
was all His, and gave some few tears in return for Her
Then did the Ladies of Valourous Estate of Tir Righ,
they who had sat the Storm Thrones before Her, give
unto Her Highness a Diary, in which she was asked to
chronicle Her memories as Princess of Tir Righ, as
they had done, and to read and enjoy their stories,
before passing the Boke on to Her successor.
As they left, there came a flurry of sharp spoken
words, a furious challenge, as Lord [[Ieuan Gower]] came forth
to claim his right, won by feat of Arms a month since,
but there lay between him and Tir Righ's Prince oaths
that barred this ancient practice, for how should a
Knight swear fealty to his own Squire, who bore fealty
already to the Sovereign? Yet had the Tanist won the
succession... how could a Knight swear to serve his own
Squire? As such matters must, hot words exchanged grew
into sharp and biting, and the threat of steel's storm
became real violence. The flash and clang of steel
upon steel as each strived to prove his point upon the
other's body, blade upon blade there in [[Krakenfjord]]'s
field in full sight of the populace.
No mortal blows were dealt, however, for by the wisdom
of their ladies was each noble warrior saved. They
were denied their quarrel and separated with calming
words of reason, as mothers to wayward and belligerent
boys. These great ladies a solution found, that Knight
should swear to Prince, but that Squire's oath
remained in place, and soon were the Heirs welcomed
into court, to receive Their just dues.
Thus in the sight of Their Liege Lord, and the full
gaze of the populace of Tir Righ, were [[Ieaun Gower]] and
his Lady [[Gwyneth Gower]] enrobed and crowned with the
sparkling coronets of Their rightful heritage, the
Royal Lands of Tir Righ, to serve as Suzerains in
Their turn, under the vassalage of Their Majesties,
[[Skeggi and Taisiia]], King and Queen of An Tir.
After bearing witness and fealty, [[Ulf and Bernadette]]
late of the Storm Thrones were released from the
court, and [[Ieaun and Gwyneth]], Fifth Prince and
Princess of Tir Righ knelt before the King, and swore
unto Him fealty upon the far-famed Sword of State,
Their hands in the King's own upon that sacred blade
and Their hearts strong and willing.
Thereafter They took Their place upon the Storm
Thrones, and Their Champions came forth, Scourge,
Skewer, Scorer, Skald and Scholar; then Royal Peers
and Patrons of Tir Righ's various branches, as well as
the members of each Peerage of the [[Laurel Kingdoms]];
and then the [[Officers]] of Tir Righ all stood forth to
renew their vows in sight of the Populace, and to
continue their needful services. Also were welcomed
the subjects who wished to pledge their support and
soon the court was full of gentles pledging their
service and support to Ieuan and His Gwyneth.
Once Their Retinue had sworn their oaths of service,
and the steward for the Investiture spoken briefly on
the need for quiet at the late hours, the populace was
graced with a song from the fair throat of the Skald
of Tir Righ. Her gifts made themselves well known as
she sang a love's lament, and the appreciation of the
audience was impressed upon her in thunderous
It was a fitting bridge, for the presence of
Bernadette Eibhlin Ard was called for, and she was
honoured with a [[Patent of Arms]], and made [[Viscount and Viscountess|Viscountess]]
for her services to Tir Righ. The [[Ladies of the Rose]]
and the [[Ladies of Vaolourous Estate]] did welcome her
into their ranks, and she was escorted from the court
by His Royal Majesty himself, and there was much
Then the Herald called for all those who would compete
for the honour of the Championship of Tir Righ, and
their intent was declared in the full sight of the
court, to contend only with honour for that prize.
They did so, loud of voice and firm of purpose, and so
was it witnessed.
With the time-honoured cheers, for the King and Queen,
Prince and Princess, Parent Kingdom and Daughter
Principality, and the hosting Shire of [[Krakenfjord]],
thus was closed the first court of [[Ieuan and Gwyneth]]
Gower, Fifth Prince and Princess of Tir Righ, and,
should I say it not, there was much rejoicing.
Here did all occur as I have witnessed and set down
for the reminding of all who may read it, what great
things occurred that day, the fourteenth of May, [[Anno Societatis]]
XL, being Anno Domini 2005, in the Shire of
[[Krakenfjord]]. Thus do I attest, as I sign my name and
occupation to these words,
Briana nic h'Eusaidh,
Fili n'An Tir agus Skaptisskald

At one point the power providing water to the flush biffies went out and water had to be brought from the lake for flushing purposes.
At one point the power providing water to the flush biffies went out and water had to be brought from the lake for flushing purposes.

Revision as of 16:25, 25 July 2005

The Investiture of Ieuan and Gwyneth, succeeding Ulf and Bernadette

13-15 May XL/2005
Krakenfjord (Vernon, B.C.)
Gabriele & Ruaidhri Silverhand
Fintry Provincial Park Campground, Vernon B.C.
Mostly sunny, but punctuated by frequent showers.
Investiture of Ieuan and Gwyneth, succeeding Ulf and Bernadette
Scourge of the North Tournament
Squire's Tournament
Silent Auction

Event Highlights

(Awaiting permission to post. --Elizabeth Braidwood)

Let those who read know this is a Chronicle of the Last Court of our Storm Prince Ulf Bloodfoot Fallgrson and our ban-Fhlaith, Bernadette Eibhlin Ard, Suzerains Tir Righ by the grace of Their Royal Majesties, Skeggi and Taisiia, King and Queen of An Tir, and lest it be forgotten, of the Investiture and First Court of their Heirs, Ieuan and Gwyneth Gower, Fifth of the Line of the Storm Thrones.

The sun and clouds played hunker-down in the Northern skies, as our doughty Prince and noble ban-Fhlaith followed their liege, the fearsome Skeggi Hrafensfuri into the court. Drummed and heralded in with well-spoken words of might and inspiration, they called for their Heirs to join them in front of the populace of Tir Righ. Came forth then Tanist Ieuan Gower and ban-Tanist Gwyneth, his wife. Thus was begun the final Court of Ulf and Bernadette, foruth Prince and Princess of these Royal Lands.

Of Officers of State, Tir Righ has many of goodly repute, and one such was called forth to relinquish her office, not for any wrong-doing, but so that she might perform a higher service. Her Excellency Gwyneth Gower, who had served as Minister of Lists for Tir Righ offered up that office to a successor, as she would soon become too busy with her new position to do the Office of Lists proper justice. With a wry comment from Royal lips, (for her cheerfulness of expression), was the noble lady Finna Kettilsdottir sworn in as Tir Righ's Minister of the Lists, and she did take Oath with the Storm Prince Ulf. and ban-Fhlaith Bernadette, even as Her Excellency Gwyneth took her High Seat at the King's side.

A joyful duty of Royalty is the recognition of deserving gentles, of which Tir Righ is well-blessed. One such, whose studies have shone forth as above reproach, and whose myriad skills and efforts have greatly inspired many of the land, for her camp, her clothing and accoutrements, and her bearing and free sharing of the knowledge she has gained. For all this and more, was Juahara bidden to attend Their Highnesses, and granted membership of the Order of the Red Flame, shown upon a scroll crafted by the hands of Mistress Sieglynda of Elphinstone. Loud was the jubilance of the gathering at this spectacle.

When rayonny grew the weather (as the song goes), the assembled Royalty made room for the populace under the shelter of Their awning, and thus They gathered to Their bosom the people of Tir Righ. All were exhorted to remember well this day by Mistress Elizabeth Braidwood, and to hold it close to their hearts, for one day, when many years have passed, and the Royal Lands have grown into a full Crown of Honour, those who were there would be able to say, "I remember when the whole Realm fit under one roof!" A laugh followed, of joyous hearts full of hope for that distant day.

Then did Caiaphas come forward to present some work of his own hands to Their Highnesses, and their Excellencies, with sampling to the Laughing Lion of An Tir, a bottle each of the aquae vitae, or as we of Erin call it, uisceagh bagh. It was a fresh and vibrant distillage, young yet, but sure to improve should it survive so long. Said Caiaphas of his distillation, "Tuesday of last week was a good year," and great laughter ensued from this expression. Indeed, His Majesty did state upon sampling the elixir, that it was a "very wet Scotch".

Lest it be forgotten, Caiaphas then invited all to come to the Honey War, held to the South of the Royal Lands, sure to be a fiercesome and wild battle at the River Glen farm. He did so invite, on behalf of his Baron, Andreu the Reckless of Aquaterra.

His Highness Prince Ulf, Storm Prince of Tir Righ then stood forth and spoke wisely and well, of the deeds and services given unto the Principality, and called for the presence of one Aberant of the Wolf Pack to be recognized in front of the populace. He was not however immediately present, but he was howled for by one of his lupine brethren, and came forthwith. Then, knelt he before the Storm Thrones, and those hands did welcome him into the ranks of the Armed, as he was awarded Arms, by the will of Skeggi and Taisiia, noble Lions of An Tir. And there was much rejoicing.

Then did the ban-Fhlaith, fair Bernadette speak words of grace and gratitude, as she regaled the populace with the long scroll of services of one Mistress Sielglynda of Elphinstone, Companion of the Laurel. This noble Lady had given so freely of her arts and inspiration, of her service and education that Her Highness was honoured to bestow upon her a shining Star of Silver. The secret of this awarding was hardest to keep, for the scroll was crafted by a member of her own household, Lady Briony Gwenhwyfar of Rumm. There were tears and embraces, and the populace rejoiced to see such rewards so well placed.

Then came a shock, as His Highness the Tanist and his lovely ban-Tanist took Their leave, and were chased from the court with words most fierce from the Storm Prince, a Knight dismissing a recalcitrant Squire. The populace was taken aback, and more was to come of this.

The well-voiced Herald then called for the attendance of one of like Service, as Guillaume de la Flamme Rouge was commanded into the Royal Presence. He knelt before Their Highnesses, and received of Them smiles, as he was recognized for his services to Their lands, and for his enrichment of the whole of the Land given arms by the will of Their Royal Majesties, [[Skeggi and Taisiia]]. As the populace celebrated, he was asked by His Majesty to place a sail somewhere on his arms, in remembrance of some specific incident.

The Shire of Krakenfjord then brought forth an outpouring of gifts to rival any show of generosity. Kraken's Gold, the well-famed liquor, by the bottle; sweetmeats and earthenwares, and lovely jeweled bracelets, as well as the well-crafted haversacks that bore the gifts. For Her Highness, they also gave forth a lovely bannerlet, embroidered with the interlace of our shared homeland. They were then thanked for their hosting of the doings of that day, and congratulated on the beauty of their holdings, even thanked for their stewardship of the lands. The Herald then exhorted a great cheer for the noble Shire's display of generosity and for the skill of the gifts' crafters.

Then was another called forth to be recognized for her services, and though Rhiannon MacBairn was not present, His Lordship Thorin Olaffson knelt in her stead, as she was awarded Arms, by the will of Their Royal Majesties Thorin and Dagmaer, of fond memory. That noble Lord was given the care of her scroll until such time as that good Lady could receive it. Clear of voice, Her Ladyship Margaree ny Kenneth the Herald called for cheers, and there was much rejoicing.

The populace was much enlightened as the Protectors of the Princess came forth, that inspiring array of archers who served Her Highness so well, and showed forth their skill at every opportunity, doing Her honour with every round shot. They came forth to present their ban-Fhlaith gifts with a point, or more truthfully, twelve points: a full dozen shafts, fletched and pointed, all crafted by their own hands, termed in jest a "bouquet", and likewise a quiver as a vase to hold them. This they gave Her, to thank Her for Her patronage of their art, and our noble Princess was overcome by tears at their gift, and their great and gracious services to Her. She spoke quiet words of heartfelt thanks, well-salted by Her tears, which were shared by no few of that illustrious guard.

Her Highness then spoke many words of gratitude for all those who had given so freely of their time and skills and the work of their hands for the reign, showing a face glowed by tears. She named them, but this scribe has not fast enough hands to note all their names. One She named who is large in this observer's memory is the noble Lady Yolande Chastellain, who performed so many services so well that the ban-Fhlaith felt She would have been lost lacking her presence. That ardent servant could not be in attendance, but Her Highness felt it necessary to announce that she had been given a Princess' Talon of Favour for her labours, both figurative and literal, for she soon would be giving birth to her first child, and thus enriching Tir Righ even more.

It was announced that next April's Coronet Tournament would be held in Cae Mor when the year had turned, and all were entreated to attend, and sample the glorious hospitality and warm hearts and hearths of that place, for when Her Highness had traveled there, She was given a welcome She had yet to see equalled, and much enjoyment of their company as well.

The Kingdom Exchequer having journeyed far to attend Their Highnesses Court, brought forth some small tokens, sweetmeats of substance for Their enjoyment, and the King demanded His share of the gift, as is right and proper. This Officer then announced that she would be happy to meet and discuss matters of finance and stewardship as should be brought to her, with those under her purview and any interested parties, and gave a location where she was to be found for the rest of the day. She was thanked for her attendance and the efforts which she had made to perform this service.

Her Highness then spoke volumes of the War Moot of recent attendance. Those who shared the experience with Her learned much, and She exhorted those that were not to listen with an open mind to the teachings of those that were, as An Tir's armies make the transference from infantry tactics to cavalry tactics, and that to do so would ensure An Tir's ability to make better War. At this, there was much rejoicing.

Five ladies of skill and dedication were then called forth. Mistress Sieglynda of Elphinstone, Her Ladyship Safiye Konstantiniyye, and Lady Eidanna Bebhinn, Lady Briony Gwenhwyfar and Lady Aislinn Fiona of Rumm knelt at Her Highness' feet, and She chose to bestow upon them Talons of Favour for the joyfulness of their service to Her. With embraces and more tears, She gave them tokens and much affection, and thanked them most graciously for all they have done for Her.

ban-Fhlaith Bernadette then spoke of those who are the future of Tir Righ: the children whose service and honourable bearing draws great favour. Comparing them to the shining sparks of a fire, who should be fanned to greater brightness and nurtured to become the hearthfires of the Royal Land, She called for the father of two such children to receive for them the Glowing Ember. Thus His Lordship Thorin Olafsson accepted the keeping of two such scrolls, for his children, Cerridwen Thorinsdottir and Caleb Thorinsson.

Then was the Retinue, those gentles who had given freely of their time and service to Ulf and Bernadette, called forth to accept Their thanks, and to be released form Their service. Her Highness the ban-Fhlaith presented each with a token She had made Herself, to represent Her gratitude, and with tears of joy and gratitude, She embraced them all. The mighty Prince smiled and thanked them in His own words, even the Gypsy who had made unstinting offers to "help", or to "taste" the many gifts and sweetmeats They had been given. He spoke of the many hundreds of hours of generous service, and how this had made the reign possible.

Her Highness then called for the presence of her Lord husband, His Lordship Kenzie MacBeign, and with small and private words, gave him a token as well and a drink for them to share later. Heartfelt these whisperings, and both rose with tears shining in their eyes.

As Her lord returned to his place in the court, She then knelt before the Storm Prince, who gazed down at Her with surprise in His pale eyes. The fair ban-Fhlaith spoke then words of thanks, with tokens for His honouring of Her by the sharing of the Storm Thrones. He replied, most genteely, that the honour was all His, and gave some few tears in return for Her own.

Then did the Ladies of Valourous Estate of Tir Righ, they who had sat the Storm Thrones before Her, give unto Her Highness a Diary, in which she was asked to chronicle Her memories as Princess of Tir Righ, as they had done, and to read and enjoy their stories, before passing the Boke on to Her successor.

As they left, there came a flurry of sharp spoken words, a furious challenge, as Lord Ieuan Gower came forth to claim his right, won by feat of Arms a month since, but there lay between him and Tir Righ's Prince oaths that barred this ancient practice, for how should a Knight swear fealty to his own Squire, who bore fealty already to the Sovereign? Yet had the Tanist won the succession... how could a Knight swear to serve his own Squire? As such matters must, hot words exchanged grew into sharp and biting, and the threat of steel's storm became real violence. The flash and clang of steel upon steel as each strived to prove his point upon the other's body, blade upon blade there in Krakenfjord's field in full sight of the populace.

No mortal blows were dealt, however, for by the wisdom of their ladies was each noble warrior saved. They were denied their quarrel and separated with calming words of reason, as mothers to wayward and belligerent boys. These great ladies a solution found, that Knight should swear to Prince, but that Squire's oath remained in place, and soon were the Heirs welcomed into court, to receive Their just dues.

Thus in the sight of Their Liege Lord, and the full gaze of the populace of Tir Righ, were Ieaun Gower and his Lady Gwyneth Gower enrobed and crowned with the sparkling coronets of Their rightful heritage, the Royal Lands of Tir Righ, to serve as Suzerains in Their turn, under the vassalage of Their Majesties, Skeggi and Taisiia, King and Queen of An Tir.

After bearing witness and fealty, Ulf and Bernadette late of the Storm Thrones were released from the court, and Ieaun and Gwyneth, Fifth Prince and Princess of Tir Righ knelt before the King, and swore unto Him fealty upon the far-famed Sword of State, Their hands in the King's own upon that sacred blade and Their hearts strong and willing.

Thereafter They took Their place upon the Storm Thrones, and Their Champions came forth, Scourge, Skewer, Scorer, Skald and Scholar; then Royal Peers and Patrons of Tir Righ's various branches, as well as the members of each Peerage of the Laurel Kingdoms; and then the Officers of Tir Righ all stood forth to renew their vows in sight of the Populace, and to continue their needful services. Also were welcomed the subjects who wished to pledge their support and soon the court was full of gentles pledging their service and support to Ieuan and His Gwyneth.

Once Their Retinue had sworn their oaths of service, and the steward for the Investiture spoken briefly on the need for quiet at the late hours, the populace was graced with a song from the fair throat of the Skald of Tir Righ. Her gifts made themselves well known as she sang a love's lament, and the appreciation of the audience was impressed upon her in thunderous applause.

It was a fitting bridge, for the presence of Bernadette Eibhlin Ard was called for, and she was honoured with a Patent of Arms, and made Viscountess for her services to Tir Righ. The Ladies of the Rose and the Ladies of Vaolourous Estate did welcome her into their ranks, and she was escorted from the court by His Royal Majesty himself, and there was much rejoicing.

Then the Herald called for all those who would compete for the honour of the Championship of Tir Righ, and their intent was declared in the full sight of the court, to contend only with honour for that prize. They did so, loud of voice and firm of purpose, and so was it witnessed.

With the time-honoured cheers, for the King and Queen, Prince and Princess, Parent Kingdom and Daughter Principality, and the hosting Shire of Krakenfjord, thus was closed the first court of Ieuan and Gwyneth Gower, Fifth Prince and Princess of Tir Righ, and, should I say it not, there was much rejoicing.

Here did all occur as I have witnessed and set down for the reminding of all who may read it, what great things occurred that day, the fourteenth of May, Anno Societatis XL, being Anno Domini 2005, in the Shire of Krakenfjord. Thus do I attest, as I sign my name and occupation to these words,

Briana nic h'Eusaidh, Fili n'An Tir agus Skaptisskald

At one point the power providing water to the flush biffies went out and water had to be brought from the lake for flushing purposes.


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Personal Memories

(Hint: Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex4. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)

The beginning of the An Tir Wiki

It was at this event that Yusuf ban Joseph spoke to me about the need to collect and record An Tir's history and culture. "But" he said, "history and culture is the memories of all of us together. How can we do this so that everyone can participate?".

I immediately thought of a Wiki. And here we are.

--Elizabeth Braidwood 15:50, 18 Jul 2005 (EDT)