Perfectly Period Feast North XLIX/2015: Difference between revisions

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===Schedule of Activities===
===Schedule of Activities===
Coming Soon
''Coming Soon''

===Team & Volunteers===
===Team & Volunteers===

Latest revision as of 10:26, 28 April 2015

17-19 April XLIX/2015
Blatha An Oir (Tacoma/Pierce County)
Isebel von Waldeck
Longbranch Improvement Club
4312 Key Peninsula Highway South
Longbranch, WA 98351
Sunny and warm
Web presence
An Tir Event Page
Facebook Group

Event Details

This was the first Perfectly Period Feast North held in the kingdom. Per the words of the event steward Lady Isebel, this first-of-its-kind for the Kingdom of An Tir was publicized as, "Perfectly Period Feast North – A Feast Like No Other!"

The period focus for the event was 1487 Tuscany, with attendees immersing themselves in the role of nobles invited to the home of the honored guest Maestra Isolde de la Vielle-a-Roue. Key elements to create an authentic atmosphere were dishware, costuming, recipe choice, and service.

The feast portion was based on two primary sources:

1) The wedding banquet of Giovanni Giacomo Trivulitio and Beatrice di Avolos d' Aquino.
Per Lady Isebel, "The Trivulitio were an important Milanese family with ties to the church and the military infrastructure, the two powers behind the growing cities and states of Renaissance Italy. Held on April 22nd, 1487, the meal was extravagant, consisting of fifteen courses with over thirty recorded dishes. Delicate sweets opened and, along with a myriad of tarts, closed the feast. A virtual menagerie of roasted birds, sheep and suckling pigs were strewn throughout the menu, and of course the ubiquitous peacock, re-dressed in all its finery and shooting fire from its mouth, was the centerpiece in the eleventh course. Dainty meat rolls and sausages were served as one course, contrasted by whole heads of beef and veal as another."
2) The Cookery book and Corpus of Maestro Martino de Como.
Per Lady Isebel, "This master chef and his recipes were at the apex of an Italian Renaissance food movement that combined the sour and sweet tastes of the East with the fresh, seasonal products of Italy and the spices of the medieval period. His work is truly a transformational and transitional cuisine."

A few other sources were also consulted for recipes. Maestro Eduardo Francesco Maria Lucrezia led the culinary team in selection and design of the courses.

Attendance was based on pre-registration; no spaces were sold at the door. Registration came with the option of purchasing the handmade flatware for the feast. The handmade silverware was sold first come, first serve at the end of the feast.

Schedule of Activities

Coming Soon

Team & Volunteers

Event Coordination & Research
Isebel von Waldeck (Event Steward)
Isolde de la Vielle-a-Roue (Honored Guest)
Raffaella di Contino
Eduardo Francesco Maria Lucrezia
More coming soon
Culinary Team
Eduardo Francesco Maria Lucrezia
Fiamma the Unquenchable
Caitriona Russel
More coming soon
Service Team
Ruadhan O Fearain
More coming soon


Facebook photo album by Ljúfvina haustmyrky

Personal Memories

(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)

Sample: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec sagittis leo quis metus. Vivamus convallis felis sed wisi. Nam aliquam turpis blandit leo. --Elizabeth Braidwood