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Latest revision as of 07:59, 8 July 2008
This is a continuation of a page of memory for Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland.
Greetings My Lady,
I would think that a memorial on or near the first date of Gerhard’s first event would be a most wonderful idea. One Idea that I thought of... during bardics or courts, let us raise a glass. To a man that the worse I can say of is... I wish I were more like him.
Many of us cannot come to Canada to celebrate his life, but I honour the thought of an end date in remembrance in public, though not in our hearts.
My thought is this: Let each branch as it gathers in its winter/spring event, gather a glass in remembrance to a man that gave us an understanding of what being a Baron meant.
I believe whole heartedly as a merchant: We hear all the gossip, I never heard a remark as to Gerhard or Amanda, that in a life of hearing, that if you want to make a profit from the a baron/ess not a merchant. Gerhard and his lady, among a few treasured few, never took advantage of their position to better themselves, either by politics or profit. That is where I come from.
Let us not have an end date by date...but as we as branches come together at an event...just once, let us celebrate his memory, in court or bardic.
Let it be known...I was not a close friend of Master Gerhard, but I know what I saw of the man.
Let us be gentle with his lady and remember his wishes and his joy in the SCA.
Just my thoughts on a good man,
HLS Bob of Boars Tusk
A lot of great men in the SCA are great only by courtesy, but he was one who was truly great in fact. I shall miss him and wish his shade Good Passing.
We have all lost a great friend. The only words that I can think off to add to the chorus are those that are recited at the Cenotaph on the 11th of November "At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them."
A great Warrior has passed from us, and his like shall never be seen again in our lifetime. And my prayers are added to the prayers of all faiths and communities for his soul/spirit to find eternal rest. (at least when he is not organising the next event in that realm! Perhaps finally he will be able to autocrat a event without it raining! :-) )
In sadness
HL Sgt. Yeoman Gallant Colin Mackay of Balmaghie
Yesterday, driving home from work, while being nearly blown off the freeway between Abbotsford and Chilliwack by the incredibly strong winds and rain, the main thing that kept coming up in my mind, in relation to Gerhard's poor luck in having almost every event he autocratted having bad weather:
"He must be autocratting one HECK of an event up there."
Dougal MacLaomuinn
M'Lord, I respectfully beg to differ. This noble man, whose passing has saddened all, does leave a legacy to stand for all look up to. As a beacon, his example will shine for those of An Tir and beyond to strive for, that they may do their best and better. Therefore, mourn not too deeply, for while his step will no longer be heard upon these shores, I have little doubt that his like WILL be seen again, and we will have him to thank for it.
In service,
Vilda Leusch
{Rowan steps shyly forward}
In some way, his likes do live on.
In me.
I wouldn't have been half ... no, *any* part of the Baroness I was and Peer I've become if it hadn't been for the example and tutelage of Gerhard and His Lady Wife, Baroness Amanda. We used to joke 'way back 'When Rocks Were Soft' about their 'Baroness 101 classes' -- those planned and impromptu moments and meetings when either or both would try and help me struggle through figuring out just what it meant to guide and rule.
Please remember, I became active locally [In An Tir] around '78-79 [even though I'd found the SCA much earlier than that, I didn't do much], was selected by Branch and Crown to become Founding Baroness in 1982 [I think or late 81] and stepped up in 1983. A relative newbie in a lot of ways. If it hadn't been for folks like Gerhard and Amanda, Graf Berek and Grafina Liesel, Master Draggi, Master Friar William and others who I can't all put together in my brain right now [sorry I've never said thanks until now folks] I don't know if I would have survived as well as I did. They taught and showed me the way it could be: the 'Way of Rulership' and 'What a Peer Should Be' by their word and actions.
A tremendous amount of who and what I am today - both inside the Society and out - is based on their teachings and guidance.
And not just me, but countless others who had the honour and privilege of that experience.
And by that legacy do people live forever.
Lo, there do I see my father.
Lo, there do I see my mother and my sisters and my brothers.
Lo, do I see the line of my people back to beginning.
Lo, do they call to me.
They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla ...
Where the brave... shall live......
"13th Warrior"
As one who met Sir Gerhard only once, I would love to hear stories of this great man. Yes...with only one meeting, he made a huge impact.
My own story is very brief, but makes me smile. I met him at some event or another this past summer. I don't remember which. My husband stopped him as Gerhard was going one direction and the two of us, in another. Thomas wanted to introduce me to this man. Gerhard smiled upon learning that Thomas and I had been married, and congratulated Thomas.
I got a wink, a smile and condolences.
Others have written original and moving praises already. The best we can do is a filk or two...
To the tune of ‘Candle in the Wind’ By Elton John
Goodbye Kendal Rose,
May you ever grow in our hearts.
You were the Baron who placed yourself
Where others came apart.
You called out to our kingdom,
And you taught all those mundane.
Now you belong to heaven,
And the stars spell out your name
And it seems to me you lived your life,
Like a candle in the wind.
Never fading with the sunset,
When your rain set in.
And your footsteps will always fall here,
Along An Tir's greenest hills.
Your candle's burned out long before,
Your legend ever will.
Laughter that we've lost,
These empty days without your smile.
This torch we'll always carry,
For our kingdom's Golden Lion.
And even though we try,
The truth brings us to tears.
All our words cannot express,
The joy you brought us through the years.
And it seems to me you lived your life,
Like a candle in the wind.
Never fading with the sunset,
When your rain set in.
And your footsteps will always fall here,
Along An Tir's greenest hills.
Your candle's burned out long before,
Your legend ever will.
Goodbye Tir Righ's Rose,
May you ever grow in our hearts.
You were the Lord that spent himself,
In bringing joy to his Lady.
Goodbye An Tir's Rose,
From a kingdom lost without your soul.
Who'll miss the shield of your compassion,
More than you'll ever know.
And it seems to me you lived your life,
Like a candle in the wind.
Never fading with the sunset,
When your rain set in.
Lady Yolanda de Guelph and Aeric the Penalt of Cumberland
I raise a drink to my dear departed friend, you worked beside me at Clinton, we laughed and you gave me good advice, I will truly miss you. I had the privilege of saying farewell to Gerhard at this last Baroness Tourney, I asked if he would be my inspiration to fight at Clinton War this year, he smiled and agreed and we embraced. I will be ever aware of you my friend ... thanks for the fun and I will dance with you once more on the other side ... Amanda and family, my thoughts and heart are with you all. He will always be remarkable.
Much love
HL Josephine Blackthorn
It is with great sadness today that we write. Our hearts go out to Amanda and Gerhard's family as they move through this most difficult of times.
Now is a time for the Barony of Lions Gate to draw together and remember him with love and to support those who so greatly feel his loss.
Let us take time to be happy, think about the great memories he gave us and remember what he always said,
"Have fun."
Harold Devin of Waltham, Baron of Lions Gate
Aurora Argentius, Baroness of Lions Gate, An Tir
Every once in a while a great man steps upon this earth and the ripples of his impact roll far and wide, but even so the ripples may fade, his footprint remains.
His mind speaks in a loud and clear voice and reaches many.
The echoes of that voice may fade, but the memory remains.
I am glad that I had the privilege to call such a man ‘Friend'.
HL Ciaran 'Moonhawk' Stonebreaker
HL Cerridwen Ravenhawk
Unto my friends,
I originally posted something similar to this on the Lionsdale Forum but with Gerhard's passing this missive has taken on a new life. I know you may think to yourself "Another post?". I invite you to read on & imagine that I'm beside you reading this with a zeal that will make winds envy.
My thanks in advance,
Honour. Chivalry. Strength. Courage.
All of these virtues are what we, as gentles in this great Kingdom, strive to achieve. There is a man whom we all know, either by reputation or personally, that we admire, respect, and love because he emulates all of the above characteristics and more.
Baron Master Sir Gerhard Kendal will ALWAYS be a legend in my heart, my spirit, & in my pursuit to be a gentleman of this realm. My life IS, not was, IS, truly & deeply enriched by this man’s deeds & achievements.
It is easy to grieve, to mourn, to be saddened by the mere thought that our Kingdom should experience the loss of this talented gentle. I, personally, strive to walk the less travelled path. I will embrace what Gerhard Kendal has given and brought to our Society and not be overly burdened by this news. This choice I make is not because my admiration of him is lessened, it because I am a better man for knowing him. I carve this path as I have blazed through all adversity in my life but now with a greater fervour enriched by his insight & understanding.
I am a better man because of the memories I have of Gerhard. I am a better man because of the support, gentility, understanding, and guiding hand that he has bestowed not only upon myself, but to each one of us.
Along this path that I travel I will experience many challenges. And I will give my all to grow to be a better man than I am & follow the shining example that Gerhard has left us. His goodness will be the light I utilize to face any challenge I may brave in the darkness of this road.
I am strengthened because I know Gerhard Kendal. Yes, I said _I know_ him because his voice will forever echo in my heart for it possesses the strength of a battle-cry coupled with the grace of an orchestra. I am deeply inspired by his character and I am enriched by his compassion. If I were to achieve half of what he has in the Society then I would surely be a lucky, fortunate, and a truly blessed gentle indeed.
Gerhard Kendal, I salute you. More importantly, I thank you. I thank you for showing one of your subjects the guidance to be one of your comrades at arms, your servant, your warrior, and.....your friend.
Forever in mine heart as I toast to your glory,
Humbly I remain,
Pierce O'Briain
There’s a lot to say and not enough time, or paper to write it all down.
Briefly, Gerhard and Amanda were two of the first people I met in the Society many years back now. I took a long time to swear personal fealty to anyone, it is a thing I do not do lightly at any time, I was raised my word is my bond, (my Irish father echoing in my head). Quite a few years back, I asked Amanda and Gerhard if I could swear personal fealty to them as Amanda and Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland, not as the Baron and Baroness of Lions Gate in those days. They accepted, and it was a joyous day for me. One of the lines of my fealty and theirs was "until the world ends, or they no longer play." Well I know my friend, my mentor, "my boss" is still playing, just in a different place. They both are dear friends, more like my family really... They both enrich, encourage, and make my time in the SCA enjoyable, exciting and fun.
Gerhard always seem to have answers to my questions, problems I needed solved, and time just to say hi, and give and receive a hug. I will miss him greatly, but you know I had council tonight, and like I said, he's standing over my shoulder, ready to give me the nudge when something isn't right.
My boss, Gerhard is missed, by all who loved him, but you know I have this feeling he is saving us all chairs in a cosmic lounge.
In Service to what the Dream Should Be
Baroness Padraigin O'Bhuadhaig
Good gentles all :
I add another filk to the honour of Gerhard's memory.
This is a slight re-make of the Clinton War Song (The Sounds of Violence - sung to the tune of Sounds of Silence of course)
I believe the original to be by Baron Master Thorvald Grimson and with just slight modifications it sounded so much like the happy hunting grounds, Valhalla, paradise, heaven, or by whatever terms you personally believe in the afterlife, I thought it an appropriate song to post....
I will write here what I can come up with and ask your help for more verses or modifications to my thoughts to make it even better....
Goodbye Gerhard my old friend
We hope to fight with you again
Within a meadow of forest green
Beside the gurgling of a mountain stream
To the tramping, marching feet of men
We will again,
Begin the sounds of violence
In ordered ranks we'll march along
Through the fields of grass and stone
Behind our lights who'll know full well their craft
Who'll turn the skies into a hail of shafts
When your vision will be stabbed by the arrow's flight
To sap your might,
Within the sounds of violence
And Behind the heavies We'll roar
A score of Heavies, maybe more
Fighters will slay without heeding
Fighters will dye without bleeding
Fighters will rise up to slay and slay some more
Amid no gore,
A peaceful scene of violence
Shield walls will stand toe to toe
Fighters will trade blow for blow
I'll put on armour that I might hit you
You'll take up arms that you might hit too,
And with our swords, we will make the thunderclouds ring
Echoing the peaceful sounds of violence
And when the battle lust is gone,
We will drink and dance 'til dawn
Then we'll raise another glass of cheer
And vow to slay and die again next year
And the mountains will slumber once again
For they remain,
To echo the peaceful sounds of violence
In honour of a truly great man and in who's footsteps I hope I am worthy
to walk.
Alastair the Eastern Traveller
I mourn because I don't have him around.
Then I think, I'm stupid - he's still here - in all the people who knew and loved him.
So I vow -
I will treat his friends and family, all of us, better. I will give them the love he can't.
I will tell stories about him, and about what he taught.
I will teach, for the joy of teaching.
I will remember - Life is Too Short. Do something you love.
Gerhard is dead.
Long live Gerhard!! - in our hearts and minds; in our words and our actions!
Stephen of Hunmanby JdL
Back when I was first doing stuff in the society, I was also spending far too much time downtown dealing with CPS doggy doo trying to not loose custody of my daughter. On one of those days, I was in a deep funk and wasn't too happy. I think I had spent the lunch hour at the library because I remember walking along Georgia.
A man in jeans, scruffy jacket and an "Australian" style hat was walking towards me. I wasn't really caring about who I was passing because I had had a horrid morning and was deeply upset and had spent most of my lunch crying. As the man got within earshot, he did a little half bow and said "good day my lady" and continued on without breaking stride.
It was half a block later when I realized that it was His Excellency... I called out to him, he turned, waved, and carried on. I _think_ I remember him saying that he was late for a return to his jobsite/set, but most of that day was a blur. I do remember the feeling of happiness that came over me for the remainder of my lunch period before I had to go back to court. I was still very new to the society and to have _The Baron_ recognize me on the street when I hadn't recognized him was a thrill. I don't think he realized how his little bit of courtesy made that day a little bit easier for me.
I'm crying now...
There was a second time where he did something sweet. I have a limp that comes from many falls, car accidents and birthing two children. My one hip is not as sure as it was when I was a young teenager. It occasionally causes me to fall on my arse. I had decided to wear this awful golden - ok orange - velvet dress to a newcomers. I was still trying to figure out my period and was playing with colours, styles and fabrics.
It was long - too long. I should have cut three feet off the bottom so I wouldn't be spending the entire day and night trying to keep the skirt from my feet. And, of course, I slipped and landed on my pride in a cloud of skirt. I was more dazed and shocked than hurt. The first lord to reach me to help me up was Gerhard. And he refused to let me get up myself.
Then, I think I was the poor lady at another court that had a swirl of skirts around me and he described how a good gentle offers a lady help with getting up from kneeling because those skirts can and do get in the way - even though I had refused the help...
As I said.. 'Twas the little things he did...
Lady Mimick - Lady Yolanda de Guelph
I also think that we can give folks the love and respect we might want to show Gerhard by giving to others who are still with us now.
I know I can't visit my Grandmother the way I'd like to because she's in Calgary and I'm here on the coast and can't afford to travel and the phone just isn't an option for her even with the low rates that exist now. So I wait with extra patience when I'm in line at the bank or grocery store if a person is having problems with a transaction. I hope that perhaps someone in Calgary might be doing the same for my Grandma. I'll take an extra few minutes sometimes if I can spare them for someone who's lonely and just needs someone to listen. Even if I'm rushed I can often squeeze in at least a couple minutes or enough time to politely say I'm in a hurry.
It is good to take that time for people, to do things for people who aren't here now perhaps. To pass some love on to others, not necessarily even to close friends or relatives, but to just people.
I hope that as people might remember small stories about Gerhard and what he did and taught they might jot down a note or two so that when a chance comes to share they might come to light.
For most of us, in a way he is still as there as before. For most of us if we would not have heard the announcement would still see him in our minds as if he were still with us. But in our hearts now with knowledge we know there is a difference. We know. We miss him when we think of him and perhaps are thinking of Gerhard at the moment more than we have for a while. I think perhaps it is a normal rite of passage. A part of missing someone.
I can escape into life and do things to keep busy and productive. Teaching, doing projects, working, caring for those I love, making sure I take care of my health, doing things I enjoy, are all things to escape with.
It's not as easy for others I suspect, whose lives are more connected with Gerhard. Remember to seek out your friends, to seek out those hugs, sometimes to do those "keep busy" things that keep mind busy as well as hands, and sometimes take time to think.
My thoughts and prayers go out to those who are left behind and worry about how they are dealing with things. I might get a little sad and shed the occasional tear, no problem.
Be well.
So, I'm doing some of my Christmas Shopping this week. Stocking stuffers and the like (they take the longest, eh?). And of course, Gerhard's passing is on my mind, as it was just too familiar, both in what and how as well as when (time of year) when my own father passed away.
So, things we've noted here on the lists stayed in my mind. Especially the oft repeated quote(s): "Life is short. Laugh More/Do More/whatever."
So imagine my.....interest when I see in a number of stores here in Victoria that have a T-shirt that says:
"Life is Short. Laugh Harder."
Lord Erasmus the Traveller
I think that a lot of times we are surrounded by such things and don't notice until something in our life experience demands that we pay attention to them.
Then again, this could be the Twilight Zone.... ;)
Greetings one and all,
I rarely post, but reading just now of Gerhard's passing, I was moved to recall our first meeting. It was at the Baroness' Birthday celebration of 1989, and I was nineteen. I was, after years of urging at Brianna's behest, attending that event, and it was my first SCA experience.
In borrowed garb and with extreme shyness, I went to the church hall in Port Moody with Brianna and another friend, then known as Louvaine. In the hue and cry that met me at the front entrance, I didn't know where to turn. Brianna took me by the hand and led me through the noise and crowd to where stood a great tall man with a wonderful voice and a leonine mane of white hair.
I curtseyed and murmured greetings to him, and to his lady Amanda, who gave me one of the kindest smiles I have ever seen.
"New to the fray? " asked the Baron, smiling down at my small self.
"Yes, my lord, and a little overwhelmed at present." My voice was probably shaking.
He looked at Brianna, smiling hugely just beside me.
"Take care of her, then," he said." and above all, make sure she has fun!"
Brianna promised.
I thanked him.
"Life is short," he said, laughing, "enjoy it now."
It's been my mantra ever since. I spent about a year in Lions Gate, and through that year Gerhard always spared a kind word and a smile for me whenever we met.
A kind man with a good heart is a treasure for everyone he meets, and he will never be forgotten by,
Kari, formerly Bronwen Small and Dark of Lions Gate
Un-accustomed as he was to public speaking, his public loved him.
Lady Bridghid ni Liam, sad wanderer in a land far away
I find so very many things about this man that I treasure. Where to begin? With attending my very first Clinton and watching him do his famous or infamous auction? Watching him try and figure out what this large white piece of clothing was and finally deciding this large bra was nightcaps for Siamese twins was one of the reasons I joined the SCA in the first place. With having him come to my pavilion on merchant row years later and offer to liberate two of the blue captives I had under my bed (Kokanee beer)? With attending so very many Ithra classes taught by him? With watching him autocrat one battle at 3yc and watching it rain and him laugh? With all the fun and joy that he brought me through the many years? No... not those. Where do I think of you Gerhard? I think of you dieing. Dieing and still taking the time to reassure me that the disease I have is not so bad, and if it comes to it’s very worst, that is not so bad either. That I can live with a colostomy bag for you did. For taking the time even as you were dieing to think of me and bring books to me about this to the last event you went to. To care.
I sit here crying and I think of you and I miss you. You have humbled me and impressed me and enriched my life. Thank you.
I Love you.
Unto the People of Tir Righ and An Tir,
Today An Tir pushes on without the guidance of one of its Lions. The second Lion has gone to join the ethereal pride. However, it is a pride that has left us with a worthy crew to continue our journey, due in no small part to the efforts of Baron Sir Master Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland.
Gerhard walked among us as a font of natural and inexhaustible energy. Never was there a moment so dire that Gerhard could not manage to smile, raise those eyebrows and convince you against all logic that everything was going to be fine. Even in the heat of great debates, Gerhard knew that life was about living and being passionate about what you could do. He inspired countless people to grow, learn and live the medieval life.
Voices have rung out across the Laurel Kingdoms as people have raised their glasses high in remembrance of this great man. We add Our voices and glasses to the chorus in honour of his life, his deeds and his memory. Our hearts are with Gerhard's family and all who remember this great man's accomplishments and love of life.
To Gerhard, may your journey continue to be fun.
Prince Tir Righ
An Tir
Amira Tir Righ
An Tir
I was just thinking on this... As to the reaction Gerhard's had of Heaven and Heaven of him....
Picture if you will this, our beloved Baron, risen from his mortal coil, in full court garb of course. He strides through the Pearly Gates(tm) and into the court of Heaven itself.
Where, the Big Guy(tm) is sitting on his Big Guy Throne(tm). His excellency approaches, bows and says, "Greetings, my Lord."
In reply, his Boominess says, "Greetings. I am the King of Heaven(tm)."
Gerhard, not missing a step, replies: "That's a large kingdom. Is the crown tourney double or single elimination?"
Knowing Gerhard, I have no doubt this has happened. And it would explain the weather recently....
Can't you just see the names on _that_ list? God, Thor, Jesus, Michael the Archangel (he's always up for a good scrap), Mars, Ares, Joan of Arc, Spartacus, King Arthur..... The mind boggles!
I spent too long considering what to say.
The best thing Gerhard brought to the society that inspired me (and still does), is
Amanda is the shining star that remains while Gerhard is now a shining star above.
I will always be here for you and yours, Amanda. I mourn this passing of your divine inspiration.
azure m al khabeelah bint Macgregor
What wonders when the fallen are gone, for those we have cherished no longer roam at our sides. When they leave us it’s only then that we realize the lasting they give us. For their strength is there when we need it and we give them ours when they seek it.
When the dark horses carrying the longed into the long nights rest come to a stop an extra moment should pass for a Kendal Baron of and Baron still in the hearts of many a Lions Gater. Hurrah to a life well spent and life longed by many others. For the tributes of today are the legends of morrow. For now we seek his name as a source of wonder. A pride shall fall on those who know him and a source of mystery to those who shall hear of him.
Many will come and many shall still leave but sad as it be true the horses come to take Fair Kendall. One stop they make but long they last for laughter and joyousness will meet them one and all. The riders will ask what keeps him for a life long lived can’t be stopped in one short moment of passing. For to foil with you he will cry or a tip of an ale he will serve for one thing just to get one more word or one more wonder. For only that Kendall will know for sure as he looks back with a glee he knows its time but can’t he wait one last look is all he seeks.
Ours will be the look back at him, not knowing but his smile. For he will inspire us on a battlefield yet, or a bar scowl to be, a course of Ithra needing a teacher come on all be like our long lost Kendall.
Words will say nothing our actions will make him live long and larger than he could ever this life. One action will legend make and one legend we keep. Lest the tears flow now, yes sad and true. He called out his coming passing for us to know that his time was so fleeting. Welcome life one day at a time sure enough for to have known him made it so much more loving.
Remember one thing, not his smile, not those of his kin needing loving, not his eagerness with rubber bands, political intrigues or brashness as a bartender. Just remember the legacy and you will honour him for when the horses take him on he will live in each and every other as a legend to those who hear of him and as a peer to those who did.
Lost he may be to this world in our thoughts he lives, in our hearts he lives and to his kin he lives through.
The Other Angus
At 12th night I submitted my paperwork and at Ursalmas I was confirmed as a senior heavy combat marshal. My paperwork had been complete by the end of Clinton War but I had only a few months left on my membership so I waited until the next event after my renewal to submit the promotion form to the Kingdom Earl Marshal.
I regret not having done this sooner as I would truly have liked to share my accomplishment with the person who made it possible and who I hold in the deepest respect.
I want to thank him for the respect and kindness he showed me in matters relating to the SCA and for putting up with my star struck questions about some of my favourite TV shows and movies that he had been a part of.
If he can hear my thoughts I want too thank him for being a very special person and the best example of what a Knight and Baron should be.
Thank You Baron Gerhard and Godspeed.
Lord Marius do Parthia
Senior Marshal Antir
Please feel free to add your memories of Gerhard here.
Gerhard's name appears on the Scroll of Honor - An Tir Remembers.