Kingdom Arts and Sciences Championship XXXIX/2005: Difference between revisions

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'''[[Kingdom Arts and Sciences Championship]]'''

; Date : (including A.S. year in roman numerals) Sample: 7 Jan. XXXIX/2005
; Date : 5 March XXXIX/2005
; Branch : (SCA branch as a link followed by modern community and prov/state in brackets) Sample: [[Shittimwoode]] (Bellingham, WA)
; Branch : [[Danescombe]] (Kelowna BC)
; Autocrat : (SCA name of autocrat. Link to People page if available) Sample: [[Floralyn MacBrian]]
; Autocrat : Yrsa Kettilsdottir
; Site : (Modern name of site) Sample: Best Western Hotel, Bellingham WA
; Site : Penticton Lakeside Resort, Convention Center and Casino, 21 Lakeshore Dr W, Penticton, BC V2A 7M5
; Weather : (briefly) Sample: Cold, with snow on the ground.
; Weather : missing
; Activities
; Activities
:(highlights as mentioned in event copy)
: (highlights as mentioned in event copy)
: Sample: Queen's Rapier Champion Tournament on Sunday
: Sample: Costumer's Guild Contest: Full Court Garb

==Event Highlights==
==Event Highlights==
(Stuff that happened in Court, or who won the contests, or that happened to all or most people on site e.g. a windstorm, or banquet details. Include links to other pages as appropriate.)

Sample: Hear you these words of the first court of Their Royal Majesties, [[Skeggi and Taisiia | King Skeggi and Queen Taisiia]] in the Shire of [[Shittimwoode]] on the 8th day of January, Anno Societatis 39, being 2005 in the Common Era. Their Majesties were attended in Court by the Prince and Princess of the Summits, [[Kadall and Nadezhda|Kaðall Blarauga and Nadezhda Volynskaiia]], the Prince and Princess of [[Avacal]], [[Vik V and Inga II|Vik Vikingsson and Inga the Unfettered]] and the Prince and Princess of [[Tir Righ]], [[Ulf and Bernadette]].
[After the model of Jordan Fantosme's metrical chronicle, (circa 1183 AD). <br>
(Cite: The Plantagenet Chronicles, ed. Elizabeth Hallam, Viking Press, 1987, pg 132-133).]<br><br>
A Chronicle of the Court of [[Ulf and Bernadette]] Storm Prince and ban-Fhlaith of Tir Righ,<br>
at [[Danescombe]], on the fifth day or March, Anno Societatis XXXIX, <br>
as scribed by an observer.<br><br>
Preceded by their liege Lord and his graceful Queen,<br>
Did Ulf and Bernadette take rightful place at King's right hand,<br>
And when the Royal Herald ended the court of their noblest Majesties, <br>
Then the dulcet Voice of Tir Righ spoke after her, <br>
'Now begins the Court of the Storm Prince Ulf and the fair Ban-Fhlaith Bernadette'<br>
First they called for the presence of their goodly servant<br>
Enoch Jacobzs van Zuidenland, as he is known,<br>
To accept responsibility for the Office he has been appointed to:<br>
Chancellor of the Exchequer of their northern lands.<br>
Oaths were sworn and witnessed, and he serves them thusly now.<br>
A gracious lady and of royal descent, Jarla Kelinda<br>
Was welcomed back to her homelands,<br>
And when she did kneel before them,<br>
Ban-Fhlaith Bernadette spoke words of great thanks<br>
For all the wisdom, advice and assistance this fine Viscountess,<br>
Once of these wide lands, and in heart so she has always remained,<br>
Has given to enrich Her Highness's reign. <br>
Though fairly spoken, words were not enough to suitably thank <br>
One so gracious, thus the ban-Fhlaith offered an embrace and rich gifts <br>
To this inspiring lady of noble renown, of spice and tablewares <br>
To accompany her many words of gratitude. <br>
That demozel then spoke most fair in return<br>
'Your Highnesses, you season my life greatly <br>
And I thank you for the welcome into your court.<br>
Any service I can perform, given their Royal<br>
Majesties' permission, I will do so.' <br>
Upon hearing this, the populace did rejoice.<br>
Then forth stood the Storm Prince, and spoke words wise and well<br>
That his men had acquired a wain to transport the Realm's goods,<br>
(And the well-made and hearty Storm Seats) from keep to keep, <br>
And now hands were needed to make the pavilion which would <br>
Shelter them and their court from the weather That grants them <br>
Their entitlement. All willing hands are to <br>
Speak freely to His Highness,<br>
And he welcomes all to this service.<br>
He then spoke of the great triumphs in war,<br>
At Estrella's fields far south. <br>
He honoured the warrior women of Tir Righ (his own fair and fierce Princess most highly)<br>
And then made gift to his Liege Lady to show her<br>
His faith in the might of her arm.<br>
Barefoot and gracious she recieved his token, <br>
A purse hand-crafted by his mighty hands even in the court, <br>
Stitched with fine wools.  He was thanked most kindly by his Queen, <br>
And took again his seat At Skeggi's right hand.<br>
His Princess then rose to speak, the golden ban-Fhlaith,<br>
To show her skirts and give news of thanks given for her by royal hands<br>
In distant land, to she who had crafted the same. <br>
Viscountess Kariena Talvi Tytar was bestowed with a Talon of Favour<br>
By The King and Queen of the Western Realm, on behalf of Her Highness.<br>
Then Bernadette danced out among the populace, light of foot <br>
And sweet of step, and took by the hand Mederei Merc Taran,<br>
To bring her before the eyes of the court,<br>
To be honoured by a Drop of Blood and membership into that noble Order,<br>
For her many and bright services, <br>
In the reign of Thorin and Dagmaer of fond memory.<br>
The mob roared their approval, and there was much rejoicing.<br>
But wait there is more, for ban-Fhlaith Bernadette then <br>
Drew forth Gabriele Silverhand, to gift upon her such just<br>
rewards as she had reaped in that reign:<br>
Another Drop of Blood hung round her fair neck to the <br>
acclaim of the people there gathered, and likewise membership<br>
Into that most serviceable Order.<br>
Such rewards were most well deserved, by word of<br>
Thorin and Dagmaer, high and noble.<br>
Once again, the populace called forth in acclaim, <br>
In a joyous noise.<br>
The Princess then spoke of matters more dire,<br>
War was the word that her mouth shaped,<br>
And of the training of Tir Righ's fighting hands.<br>
She called for all men and women of valour to join with her,<br>
In study of the arts of war, upon the day granted to mothers, <br>
In Lions Gate on the eighth of May. A War Moot of such renown <br>
Has not been seen before.<br>
In honour of the sainted day, all mothers would be given <br>
A token by her royal hand, <br>
To thank them for the sacrifice of their grown children <br>
In service of the defense of Tir Righ.<br>
Then the Herald called for Court to end, <br>
And the Realm and People of it were toasted loud and long, <br>
As the fair Crowns and Coronets went forth from the hall, <br>
To an evening of dance and revelry.
Briana nic h'Eusaidh<br>
Fili n'An Tir agus Skaptisskald

Their Majesties were dressed in the scythian style wearing pale yellow linen coats. His Majesty's coat had appliqued designs in black and shades of green and camel over a white linen shirt embroidered in crimson. Down the front of the coat were bronze metal ravens. Her Majesty's coat had beautiful appliqued designs in crimson leather and down the sleeves were sewn plaques of scythian style deer. Her Majesty's scarlet skirt was all over embroidered with fine gold metal thread, while His Majesties trousers of olive green were appliqued with the same crimson leather as Her coat.

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Latest revision as of 15:46, 8 July 2008

Kingdom Arts and Sciences Championship

5 March XXXIX/2005
Danescombe (Kelowna BC)
Yrsa Kettilsdottir
Penticton Lakeside Resort, Convention Center and Casino, 21 Lakeshore Dr W, Penticton, BC V2A 7M5
(highlights as mentioned in event copy)

Event Highlights

[After the model of Jordan Fantosme's metrical chronicle, (circa 1183 AD).
(Cite: The Plantagenet Chronicles, ed. Elizabeth Hallam, Viking Press, 1987, pg 132-133).]

A Chronicle of the Court of Ulf and Bernadette Storm Prince and ban-Fhlaith of Tir Righ,
at Danescombe, on the fifth day or March, Anno Societatis XXXIX,
as scribed by an observer.

Preceded by their liege Lord and his graceful Queen,
Did Ulf and Bernadette take rightful place at King's right hand,
And when the Royal Herald ended the court of their noblest Majesties,
Then the dulcet Voice of Tir Righ spoke after her,
'Now begins the Court of the Storm Prince Ulf and the fair Ban-Fhlaith Bernadette'

First they called for the presence of their goodly servant
Enoch Jacobzs van Zuidenland, as he is known,
To accept responsibility for the Office he has been appointed to:
Chancellor of the Exchequer of their northern lands.
Oaths were sworn and witnessed, and he serves them thusly now.

A gracious lady and of royal descent, Jarla Kelinda
Was welcomed back to her homelands,
And when she did kneel before them,
Ban-Fhlaith Bernadette spoke words of great thanks
For all the wisdom, advice and assistance this fine Viscountess,
Once of these wide lands, and in heart so she has always remained,
Has given to enrich Her Highness's reign.
Though fairly spoken, words were not enough to suitably thank
One so gracious, thus the ban-Fhlaith offered an embrace and rich gifts
To this inspiring lady of noble renown, of spice and tablewares
To accompany her many words of gratitude.

That demozel then spoke most fair in return
'Your Highnesses, you season my life greatly
And I thank you for the welcome into your court.
Any service I can perform, given their Royal
Majesties' permission, I will do so.'
Upon hearing this, the populace did rejoice.

Then forth stood the Storm Prince, and spoke words wise and well
That his men had acquired a wain to transport the Realm's goods,
(And the well-made and hearty Storm Seats) from keep to keep,
And now hands were needed to make the pavilion which would
Shelter them and their court from the weather That grants them
Their entitlement. All willing hands are to
Speak freely to His Highness,
And he welcomes all to this service.

He then spoke of the great triumphs in war,
At Estrella's fields far south.
He honoured the warrior women of Tir Righ (his own fair and fierce Princess most highly)
And then made gift to his Liege Lady to show her
His faith in the might of her arm.
Barefoot and gracious she recieved his token,
A purse hand-crafted by his mighty hands even in the court,
Stitched with fine wools. He was thanked most kindly by his Queen,
And took again his seat At Skeggi's right hand.

His Princess then rose to speak, the golden ban-Fhlaith,
To show her skirts and give news of thanks given for her by royal hands
In distant land, to she who had crafted the same.
Viscountess Kariena Talvi Tytar was bestowed with a Talon of Favour
By The King and Queen of the Western Realm, on behalf of Her Highness.

Then Bernadette danced out among the populace, light of foot
And sweet of step, and took by the hand Mederei Merc Taran,
To bring her before the eyes of the court,
To be honoured by a Drop of Blood and membership into that noble Order,
For her many and bright services,
In the reign of Thorin and Dagmaer of fond memory.
The mob roared their approval, and there was much rejoicing.

But wait there is more, for ban-Fhlaith Bernadette then
Drew forth Gabriele Silverhand, to gift upon her such just
rewards as she had reaped in that reign:
Another Drop of Blood hung round her fair neck to the
acclaim of the people there gathered, and likewise membership
Into that most serviceable Order.
Such rewards were most well deserved, by word of
Thorin and Dagmaer, high and noble.
Once again, the populace called forth in acclaim,
In a joyous noise.

The Princess then spoke of matters more dire,
War was the word that her mouth shaped,
And of the training of Tir Righ's fighting hands.
She called for all men and women of valour to join with her,
In study of the arts of war, upon the day granted to mothers,
In Lions Gate on the eighth of May. A War Moot of such renown
Has not been seen before.
In honour of the sainted day, all mothers would be given
A token by her royal hand,
To thank them for the sacrifice of their grown children
In service of the defense of Tir Righ.

Then the Herald called for Court to end,
And the Realm and People of it were toasted loud and long,
As the fair Crowns and Coronets went forth from the hall,
To an evening of dance and revelry.

Briana nic h'Eusaidh
Fili n'An Tir agus Skaptisskald


(Links to event pictures off-site)

Sample: Twelfth Night Pictures By Lord Joe Populace

Personal Memories

(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)

Sample: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec sagittis leo quis metus. Vivamus convallis felis sed wisi. Nam aliquam turpis blandit leo. --Elizabeth Braidwood