Sunjan Temujin

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Awards: Visit the Order of Precedence to access a list of this person's awards.

Sunjan Temujin was apprenticed to Lao Yu until she was elevated to the Order of the Laurel in July of 2000. She is among the preeminent Mongolian personas in AnTir, and can be held responsible for cultivating the yurt as one of the preferred "tents" in the kingdom. Her Laurel medallion, carved by Mistress Godytha of Whiteraven was a smaller replica of Lao's, (with the addition of a Lao's personal chop carved into the reverse) and was carved from the same block of jade.

Sunjan is shown here in her "coral" headdress, made from fimo clay beads that she individually colored and formed, to replicate the period material but at a fraction of the monetary and ecological cost.