Ogre Mcgurn

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I didn't know Ogre McGurn very well. But I remember him with fondness. He was a BIG man, tall and strong. I Once watched him carry a metal fire pit under his arm, fully loaded and ready to light, around looking for just the right place, and then move it somewhere else.

I remember talking to him once, mainly just small talk like you usually have when you first meet someone. I asked him if I could ask him a personal question. From the look on his face you could tell he was expecting me to ask about his height, like most people did. But instead I asked him if he were ticklish. He spread his arms out and said "Try it and see." So I tickled him, with no response. "Darn. I just love a ticklish man." I said. "Try it again!" Ogre laughed and put his arms up for me to tickle his ribs again.

From the people I know who were able to spend more time with him than I did I've learned that Ogre was a kind and gentle man, and will be missed greatly.

I knew Ogre pretty well.

I remember Ogre at the SCA events, and at OryCon and a few other scifi events. I remember him coming over to our house to visit, and always breaking the light bulb on the back porch. My wife at the time and I would arrive home and find broken bulb glass and immediately knew it was Ogre.

I've certainly missed many of the brothers and sisters of the McGurn clan, as well as the fond memories created in my short time as a member.

Posted by Drowninginjello