Agata Janisdottir

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GenevieveChristianaBuchannon.gifAlso Known as: Genevieve Simone Christianne Buchannon de La Rochelle AND Laeida Torvaldsdottir

Currently living in the Shire of Coill Mhor _____________________________________________________________________________

     -    Award of Arms (West) Sep 2, 1979 (AS XIV) By: Radnor of Guildemar, Shannon-Morgan of  Astopher    
     -    Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Nov 11, 1984 (AS XIX) By: Berek von Langental, Liesel von Langental       -    
     -    Forget-me-not (An Tir) Jan 11, 1986 (AS XX) By: Melissa Kendal
     -    King's Favor (An Tir) Jan 11, 1986 (AS XX) By: Arthur de Montegue
     -    Magistrae Ithra (Ithra)     April 9, 1988 (AS XXII )
     -    Baroness's Champion of Arts (Lions Gate) Nov 11, 1989 (AS XXIV)
     -    Baroness's Champion of Service (Lions Gate) May 5, 1990 (AS XXV)
     -    Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Sep 1, 1990 (AS XXV) By: Gunnarr Brunwulf, Gabriell MacBain 
     -    Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Dec 8, 2001 (AS XXXVI) By: Aveloc the Younger, Mahliqa bint Ali Zibec 
     -    Golden Pinecone (Coill Mhor) Oct 5, 2013 (AS XLVIII) 
     -    Silver Pillar (Tir Righ) Jun 13, 2015 (AS L) By: Olen Medvedovich Ovanov, Chiara Fiamma 
     -    Etoile d'Argent (Tir Righ) Oct 24, 2015 (AS L) By: Vikingr Eiricksson, Lishinia Aurelia 
     -    Lion's Strength (An Tir) Sep 30, 2017 (AS LII) By: Christian Bane, Heléne d’Anjou.
     -    Cornucopia ( Tir Righ )  June 8, 2019 (AS LIV ) By: Sethric Einarsson,  Kolberra Varsdottir
     -    Princess talon of favor  June 23, 2019 (AS LIV ) By: Kolberra Varsdottir
     -    Silver Wing (Tir Righ)   Jun 9, 2023 (AS LVIII) By: Arkill MacMillan, Bernadette Ebhilín Árd 	

First event - Canterbury faire (ASIX)

- Joined Lions Gate and immediately started as staff for the North Wind newsletter continued this for several years.(until the forming of the shire of Eisenmarche )

- "north wind " staff 1974 - 1979

- Joined Lions Gate minstrals

- staff for banquets and cooking help

- Minister of Arts & Sciences - lions gate for 2 years?

- Started teaching costuming at Ithra in the mid 1980s

- Magistrae Ithra (Ithra) April 9, 1988 (AS XXII )

Teaching experience:

- No pattern construction ( sewing from measurements) Many times over several years 1980s -

- Costume design ( designing practical costumes) Many times over several years. 1980s -

- Medieval games for children - taught once

- Basic embroidery (ducal war north)

- Hand sewing ( different stitches for different jobs) Ducal war North

Moved to Eisenmarch when that shire formed

-Founding editor of “the toad” published for many years (1980-

-Shire Chronicler, several years

-Deputy Seneschal and then Seneschal for Eisenmarch- less than 1 year

-Minister of Arts and Sciences

-12th Night kingdom lace makers contest 1st place 1989 or 90? ( as Genevieve Buchannon)

-12th Night Kingdom costume contest 2nd place 1989 or 90 ? ( as Genevieve Buchannon)

-Founding seneschal for the shire of Coill Mhor 1997

-Various offices since the shire began: -Seneschal

-Deputy seneschal


-Arts and Sciences

-Web minister - Have maintained and rebuilt, when necessary, the shire web page since 2009. Either acting or listed as web minister since that time.

Event steward listed:

-Autumn feast and masque oct 28th 2006 (coill Mhor)

-Forest war June 17 2011

-Forest champions tournament october 04 2014

-Feast for Winters End, feast steward (Coill Mhor) with Rhainnon ap Gwenydd March 4 2023

-Feast for Winters End, feast steward (Coill Mhor) with Garet Doiron March 2 2024

Event duties have always included: gate, set up, clean up, cook and or kitchen staff, serving, acquiring site, paperwork for event, bank deposits and dealing with money. Running contests.

Hosted Arts and Sciences open houses regularly covered soap making, basic costuming, basic needlework Open house policy for costuming and new comer workshops and information.

Medieval skills:
Norse cooking and food research 

Fiber arts include: 


-tablet weaving



-fabric painting

- block printing

- stenciling


- knitting

-bobbin lace

-battenburg lace



Other -

- 12th Night 1986 Designed and sewed step up garb for Queen Melissa Kendal, As well as one more complete outfit for her reign.
- February 2018- designed and sewed step up garb for Princess Kolbera Varsdottir.  
  Also created one more complete outfit for Kolbera.
- Served as wardrobe coordinator for  Sethric and Kolbera during their reign.