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Honor War Main Page

College of Lyonsmarche



(Links to event pictures off-site)

Personal Memories

"Well all, after much thought on the matter, THAT was the single best event i have been to in Quite some time. Not only did we not leave the camp, we didnt feel the need to. " --Cedric of the Floppy Hat

"Extremely fantastic event, I was so happy to see almost the entire household together in one place again. I had a wonderful time and I seriously hope that we can continue this trend. Not only of having fun but also making everyone at the event feel welcome. Daedin was extremely impressed by us. I was told specifically that we present the basic ideals of the SCA, also that we uphold a very fun loving, open, and warm atmoshpere (because of the forges LOL). I was also told that at one point saturday night most all who attended the event had visited our encampment and left with nothing but good things to say about us. It has been a dream of mine to have a fun loving household that people will feel welcome at and hearing comments like those made me very very happy. I am so glad that we are pulling together as a house and getting organized." --Gunther Firekilt

"I have to say that one the whole Honor War was a wonderful event. There were a lot of people, a great bardic fire and some really cool parties. There was also a great A&S setup, and some really good fighting. A lot of people came from all over. There were locals as well as people who traveled from other areas of the kingdom, or other kingdoms. The weather was gorgeous and we were spared from the legendary Honor War Wind until Sunday morning when it again claimed its yearly sacrifice. Honor war is our reminder that all tents and pavillions should always be securely fastened to the ground. Other than the wind on Sunday the Weather was beautiful. The sun shone and the day was warm. You can tell it was shining because almost everyone came home with at least a small amount of sunburn. Weasel was named the person who most represented the personality and ideals of the College of Lions March, and was bestowed the Lentil Helm! It was a great deal of fun, and I think that it is a great omen of good for the beginning of the camping season" --Svana Eiríksdóttir