Thore de Bethune

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Thoré de Bethune resides in Sigelhundas though he still calls Montengarde home. He's been playing SCA since 1993. Formerly cadet to Artimis de Montessori, he received his WS at May Crown in 1997. Thoré has 6 cadets: Francis Coulter Hill, Tristram ap Emrys ap Iago, Rhoswen Mary MacLean, Shamus Van Der Pontseele, Pol of the Black Fist and Mafeo Cardinalli. Bjar the Blue claims heritage as Don Thoré's first cadet to be admitted into the Order of the White Scarf

Thoré is the founding father of House Fine Lames.

Thoré is past Baronial rapier champion of Montengarde, past Baronial rapier champion of Myrgan Wood, past Avacal Crown Principality rapier champion, and 3-time past Avacal Principality rapier champion. He has only entered An Tir champions twice, coming second both times.