Lonergan Fionn O'Flaherty

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Who IS this guy?

 Master Lonergan, aka Lono anChogaid, or that fool Lono, is a Bard, leathersmith, designer, herbalist, and persona-play enthusiast.
 Lonergan Fionn O'Flaherty -the Persona- is a 10th CE Irishman from Galway and Donegal, who spent a long time amongst the Noresmen and traveling about seeking out interesting people and experiences.
 He is Squire to Sir Dublin O'Guinn.
 He has served as Seneschal of Adiantum, and as the first Seneschal of the Principality of The Summits.
 He is founder of the Amergin's Revenge Bardic Gathering.
 He is a poet in Irish and Norse styles, a storyteller, and if no one is around who's big enough to stop him, he sings.
 He is a karlaykin/fianachta, Lawkeeper/Brehon and Skald/Bard of the Village of Bjorgvin, and currently, its Maor.
 He has been honored with AoA, GdS, JdL, MoL, Order of the Carp, Summits Grail (A&S), Order of
    Adiantum, Fern and Quill (Adiantum), and the Baronial Brownie (Adiantum).
 He lives mundanely in Drain, Oregon.

His encyclopedic interests include:

 Irish and Celtic history and culture.
 Performance/Bardic arts.
 Creative problem solving.
 Irish and Norse poetry, mythology, and stories.
 Good government and other anomalies.
 Hitting Westies with an ax.