Honey War XLIV/2009

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12-14 June XLIV/2009
Glymm Mere (Olympia, Tumwater and Lacey, WA)
Disa i Birkilundi
Northwest Equestrian Center, Rainier, WA
Alternating overcast and sunny; beautiful fighting weather
4 War scenarios
Pied Piper Children's War Point Prep
Rapier Scenarios for war points
Cooking in Reproductions of Medieval Pottery Demo
Siege Cooking
Children's War Point games
Brewing Judging by their Excellencies and a judging panel
A&S Judging
Youth Armored Combat
Pie in the Face for charity
Wacky Tacky Water War!!!

Event Highlights

  • THE BEES! In the middle of the war, someone disturbed a ground-based hive of bees, and the war field was swarmed. They eventually centered in on a table adjacent to the Glymm Mere baronial pavilion, and clustered as though forming a new hive. The table was carefully moved away from the war field and the camping area. So if anyone asks who won the war, it was the BEES!
  • No, seriously, Glymm Mere won the war.



Personal Memories