Crown Council XXXVI/2002

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30 Mar XXXVI/2002
Hosting Branch
Dragon's Mist

Court Report

Notes from Their Majesties Court

Crown Council

Greetings, noble cousins!

The following business occured in the Spring Crown Council court of Their Royal Majesties, Wilam and Siobhan, King and Queen of An Tir, in the Shire of Dragon's Mist, on the thirtieth day of March being anno societatus thirty six.

Their Majesties were attended in court by His Highness, Prince Durin of the Summits, His Grace, Duke Torkill; Mistress Kateline MacFarlane as Herald; HL Tai, Captain of the Royal Guard; assorted guards and a troup of ladies in waiting.

The herald called Lord Alexander, Son of Gray, to come and kneel before Their Majesties. Her Majesty, regal in a blue wool dress ornamented with white knotwork on the sleeves and neckline, spoke of her gratitude toward this gentle. He did great service in attending His Majesty on His recent journey to the Kindom of Meridies. She then asked him to become a member of Her Royal Guard. Huzzah for the new Royal Guardsman, Lord Alexander!

His Majesty, wearing a black tunic with similar ornamentation as his lovely Queen, with very great pleasure did speak to the assembled populace asking them to witness as he took a man as huscarl. HM Wilam asked his family to come forward. Torkill, His father; Tai, His sister; Durin, His squire. He called forth Yojimbo, who did swear an oath to protect His Majesty's household, and in turn, His Majesty did swear to provide food, shelter, training and weapons. Huzzah for Yojimbo, His Majesties huscarl! Hugging happened. :)

Having heard much of the accomplishments in service and the arts of Their subject, Aiden Mac Suibne, They were minded to grant him arms with the rewards and responsibilities that such rank provides. Congratulations to Lord Aiden! Vivat!

Chancellor of Ithra, Rowan O'Suilghlas had business in Their Majesties court. She made several event related announcements and then presented Her Majesty with a birthday gift. (Her Majesties birthday was last Friday.) Their Majesties thanked the Chancellor and Mistress Arlys o'Gordon for their very great work in putting the event together, for allowing the inclusion of the Crown Council, for being gracious and hospitable as always.

The populace, upon hearing of the occasion of Her Majesties most auspicious day, did prepare to make merry of her, but HM Wilam had other plans.

He caused to be brought forward gifts that he had hidden away as a surprise for his Royal Wife - a bouquet of yellow and white roses (An Tir colors!), a gift of a single, perfect, long stemmed deep red rose, and lovely cake. He spoke quietly to her for several minutes and then they embraced.

The hall rang with happy voices as we all joined together to sing Her Majesty happy birthday.

After the song, HRM Siobhan's ladies in waiting presented her with a book of sentiment, hand bound in leather, with a painted miniature and beautifully caligraphed fronts piece by Marquessa Laurellen. She was also presented with gifts of fabric, chocolate and other goodies.

Much to the great delight of the attending crowd, Sven Odin Eye, was called forwad to receive his Award of Arms from the hands of Their Majesties. Huzzah for Lord Sven! Hip Hip Huzzah! Hip Hip Huzzah! Hip Hip Huzzah!

The Seneschal of Dragon's Mist, Leisl had a presentation for HRM Siobhan - birthday gifts of chocolate and a handbound book by a member of the Shire.

Their Majesties did not let Leisl leave until she accepted from Their hands her Award of Arms in recognition of her service to the Kingdom of An Tir and the Society. Congratulations Lady Leisl!

A gentle's name was called who was not in attendance. His Excellency, Baron Gwylim of Three Mountains accepted the award on the missing gentles behalf and it will be presented at the next opportunity.

Their Majesties, as is Their right, called before them Teceagl Bach and admitted her to the right noble Order of the Goutte de Sang! Vivat!

The Kingdom Seneschal, Viscountess Calista, had much to say that has been posted elsewhere. In a nutshell, the things she announced were: 1.) Additions to Kingdom Law on the subject of Courts of Inquiry and Courts of Chivalry. 2.) Removal from Kingdom Law of "term limits" for landed barons/baronesses 3.) The disolving of the reporting regions.

The name Lianna Stewart, was called and upon her was bestowed an Award of Arms which she accepted with some shock, I think. Congratulations to Lady Lianna!

Their Majesties were minded to bestow arms and the rights and priveleges that accompany them to Their subject Tangwystl verch Rhiwallon Ogwr, who looked lovely in burgandy Elizabethan. Huzzah for Lady Tangwystl.

Salih al Hasan ibn Da'ud al Hashi was commanded to come forth and kneel before Their Majesties whereupon he was recognized with an Award of Arms.

Mistress Godytha of Whiteraven, member of the Order of the Laurel, did bring to Their Majesties attention that the Order of the Laurel is not complete. His Majesty contemplated this for a moment then bade his Herald to call forward the Order of the Laurel. Half the audience relocated to the front.

Several people spoke on behalf of the candidate, then Master Rauthufr did fetch his apprentice, Isrith inn Glodi, to kneel. His Majesty spoke privately with her for a moment or two, and then Isrith accepted the vigil she was placed under until she will be called forward at May Crown to be admitted to the Order of the Laurel. Much rejoicing! Huzzah! Joyous noise!

So ended the Crown Council court of TRM Wilam and Siobhan.

Long live King Wilam! Long live Queen Siobhan! Long live Durin, Prince of the Summits! Hip Hip Huzzah for the Shire of Dragon's Mist!

And for this, the greatest kindom in the known world - An Tir! An Tir! An Tir!