Sir Edward's Memorial Tournament XXXVIII/2004

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16-18 April XXXVI/2004
Shittimwoode (Bellingham - Whatcom County, WA)
Mistress Meresigha Stonegatta

Court Record

Court Report of Their Highnesses of Tir Righ, Prince Ulf and Amira Celdae
Sir Edward's Memorial Tournament XXVI
Shire of Shittimwoode
April 17, 2004 AS 38

The Autocrat, Mistress Meresigha Stonegatta thanked the Prince, Amira, populace who attended and her team of sub autocrats for all they did for the event.

A presentation of gifts from the populace was made to the Prince and Amira including bountiful goods from Shittimwoode: wool from HL Godith d'Arcy, pysanki from Lady Kateryne, and many other gifts.

The new Rapier Champion of Shittimwoode, Lord Kilian von Meer, was introduced to the populace. He was awarded with a full bushel of chocolate chip cookies.

The populace came forth and gave an oath of service to the Prince and Amira.

Information about the Scupture Auction at May Crown was given to the populace.

The new Archery Champion of Shittimwoode, Stephan of Lions Gate, was introduced to the populace. It was awarded with a dozen custom made Shittimwoode Bunny arrows.

The new Arts and Sciences Champion of Shittimwoode, Her Ladyship Donwenna Beast Healer, was introduced to the populace. She was awarded with a fine necklace from Robin of Windspur and Aedla de Boothe.

Lady Anora of Aquaterra made a presentation about the Aquaterra Sergeantry Trials.

The Prince and Amira called forth all those people for whom this was their first event and gave each of them a token of Their favor.

The results of the equestrian competition were announced with His Lordship Khaidu taking the top prize.

Finally, Their Highnesses thanked the populace for making Sir Edward's Memorial Tournament such a wonderful event!

- HL Quentin d'Or
Dexter Guantlet Herald and Shittimwoode Pursuivant
Court Herald for Prince Ulf and Amira Celdae at Sir Edward's Memorial Tournament XXVI


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