Lions Gate Defenders XLII/2007

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Personal Memories

[A "Keeper" posting from the Lions Gate e-mail list. Posted 13 May 2007.]

Greetings to all,

Well, it was a beautiful sunny day with just enough white fluffly clouds in the sky to make it ideallic.

There was lots of room for the children to run around, and lots of open space so the adults could see them everywhere they went.

There was fighting, archery, singing, laughing, games played, conversations on the grass in the sun and many more activities with relaxed smiling people participating.

It was a small size event that brought back lots of memories of the ubc land bardics that happened many a year ago.

The heavy defender finals came down to Willian of the battered Helm and Christian (I greatly apologize as I can't recall the rest of his name)

Glorious were the bouts, Christian was victorious in the end to become Lions Gates' new Heavy Defender.

After the tourney the fighting did not stop as Dukes Darius and Davin took to the field any and all comers, so into the afternoon did the shield bashing continue.

The bardic defender competitors were Aine inghean ui Chonchobar and John MacAndrew.

Great were the voices of each, one in song and one in poetry. Difficult indeed was the job of the judges three to decide who championed on that day. Well do I know their trials as I was honoured to be among them. In the end, at court was Aine called forth as the new Bardic Defender.

There were also 2 who dared to compete for Brave New Bard and well pleased were the judges to witness both as they were neither above the age of 12!!!
Myfanwy and Daria were the sole brave bards and all the judges, as well as the audience, are very excited to see these 2 perform again someday. They are definate budding bards!!!!

There were many other performances to please the ear with instruments as well as voices, truly a bardic delight!!!!

I witnessed many a game being played, a fun game of tug-o-war that started with regular sized children and eventually included children of all sizes (and ages) jumping in to try to even up the sides.

I did not witness either the Archery or Arts and Sciences, unfortunately, perhaps someone could post their recollections?

All in all a pleasant afternoon in the sun conversing will other pleasant people, watching the children run around having fun, listening to lovely music and enjoying the mild weather.
