User:'Izza al-Dimashqiyya

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Persona is a 16th century Ottoman woman from the trading city of Damascus where the great silk road trade routes meet the Mediterranean trade routes. A trader by nature 'Izza is always looking for new and different items and will often be seen wearing and trading in goods found throughout the known world.

While hiring someone to protect her trade vessels from pirates she met Alexandre de Sant Roma de Sau and they were later married. They travel around the Mediterranean meeting new friends and looking for new adventures.

Provost for a year and a day to Brighid MacCumhal

Kingdom Honors and Awards:
Award of Arms (An Tir) - April 2018

Baronial Awards:
Golden Oak (1st level service award) Wealdsmere- February 2018
Blue Glove (1st level service award) Wealdsmere- March 2018

Positions Held:
Arts & Science Baronial Deputy - 2018 to 2019
Arts & Science Baronial Officer - 2018 to present

Event Experience:
An Tir July Coronation 2019 - Assistant to Event Steward
Barony of Wealdsmere Celtic Revolt 2018 - CoEvent Steward

Arts & Science:
Fiber Arts - Tablet Weaving, Lucet, Costume making
Woodworking - Turning

I am a firm believer that anyone can participate in bardic if they would like. While my skills are not in the musical arts I use my love for learning and telling stories to entertain others. In particular I search for stories from various non-western cultures to bring an old story to a new audience.

Pendale Champions 2018 Bardic Champion