July Coronation XXX/1995

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Revision as of 23:25, 1 August 2006 by Braidwood (talk | contribs) (added site location)
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Tjorkill and Elowen are succeeded by Hwolf and Luise.

8-9 July XXX/1995
SCA branch (modern community)
SCA name of autocrat
Farragut State Park, Idaho
See #Event Highlights below

Event Highlights

  • "Toronation II". A small tornado touched down near the site (less than 10 miles away, some say). See #Personal Memories for details.


(Links to event pictures off-site)

Personal Memories

(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)

(A "keeper" posting from the Steps of the Cathedral, Aug 2006.)

Oh, Lordy, yes ...

I remember the sky turning green, and looking more and more threatening as the afternoon progressed.

I remember lightning during court. I've never seen fighters get out of their armor so quickly ...

I remember wind gusts that made you stagger. Hailstones the size of garbanzo beans. Icy rain that slashed at your skin.

I remember standing clutching at my tent poles and screaming because I was completely out of my mind with terror. I literally had to be dragged to shelter.

I remember the aftermath. Pavilions totally destroyed. Windshields broken. Tarps ripped to shreds. My sunhat somewhere in the Yukon ...

I remember Their Majesties Hwulf and Louisa personally going to every encampment: "Everyone accounted for? Anyone hurt? What help do you need?"

I remember one merchant, trapped in a pool of icy water by her collapsed pavilion, struck over the head by a snapped center pole. As she was being loaded into the ambulance, someone laid a cloak over her for warmth. She looked down at the cloak and saw a rearing black lion. "This is the King's cloak! I can't wear this!" A crowned head leaned over and said "Yes, you can ..."

I remember driving home, and seeing the path of the tornado -- trees two feet thick snapped off like matchsticks ...


I don't remember much about the tornado. I think it appeared on the Sunday of the event and we'd already left the site. But we did see a swath of trees it took down, just a little way down the road from the site.

What I do remember about the event was the Coronation ceremony itself. Immediately after Hwolf and Luise had been crowned, They stepped onto round shields that were lying on the ground in front of the thrones, and a bunch of Norse guys raised Them straight up into the air, still standing. They appeared to float above the heads of the crowd for several moments -- it was quite impressive. --Elizabeth Braidwood 19:14, 1 Aug 2006 (EDT)