Geoffrey MacLean

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Revision as of 19:08, 20 June 2006 by Braidwood (talk | contribs)
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(20 June XLI/2006)

it is with heavy heart indeed that i pass on the news of the passing of jeff wilson / geoffrey maclean, as he has fallen in battle against the dread cancer.

i will miss him greatly. -dd HL Sylverstone the Traveller

Thoughts from a fellow Sergeant.

He was a fighter - a Sergeant - a Squire.
He was a lover - you saw it in his eyes when he looked at Patti.
He was a friend - by lending a hand, an ear, or a shoulder to lean on.

He made you smile - with a song, a smile, a laugh.
He made you think - with his ideas, his knowledge, his teaching.
He made you duck - from an axe blow, or a sword, or a spear.

He thought big - with his gur, his pavilion, his castle.
He gave his time - at work week, on retinue, just about anywhere.
He was Geoff - The Baron, The Bard, My Friend.

God bless you Geoffrey - I will raise a toast to you.

Sergeant Cyneric Bearson of the Clan McBean