Lasairiona inghean Uilliam na Seoltadh

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Revision as of 16:48, 3 September 2008 by Kerije (talk | contribs)
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If you look up "dangerous beauty" in the dictionary, you'll find a picture of Dona Lasairiona.

Sad news

For those who knew her... It is with a sad heart that I pass on the news that Lasairiona inghean Uilliam na Seoltadh, White Scarf of An Tir, has just lost her long battle with cancer.

Please add her name to the list for the Riderless Horse Ceremony at September Crown.

Duchess Angharad July 8th, 2008

This Gentlemwoman's name has been added to the Scroll of Honor. A tassel was added during the Riderless Horse Ceremony in her name at September Crown Tournament XLIII/2008.

"For me when I first saw that I could take all my competitive energies and apply it to a medieval atmosphere, in which I got to compete and dress up. I was thrilled. This was something that appealed to the little girl in me, the athlete, and the artist. All in amongst a group of people that were honorable, trustworthy, educated and interesting. People who could find joy in life without cell phones, tv's commericals and modern conveniences. People who'd rather listen to a bard sing his tales than MTV. People who wanted to cook instead of Getting fast food. People who put value on Chivalry and honour above self promotion. A place where anyone could go and fit in, I've never seen discrimination within the SCA." - something Dona Lasairiona told me as her Woman at Arms. Sina di Andreas Valori