Shandrea Silvertrue

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Her Ladyship Shandrea Silvertrue came to the Kingdom of An Tir from the mundane world during the reign of Sven and Signy in AS 32. She quickly made many friends, and good impressions on those she met. A hard worker, she started out her life in An Tir with a little bit of "Johnny Gage Syndrome", that is, working herself nearly to death from dawn till dusk, as a chirurgeon, constable, herald, water-bearer, and generally lending a hand where ever it was needed, and, occasionally, some times where it wasn't.

Something of a wild spirit, Shandrea was a young, and over-zealous, but genuinely well-intentioned volunteer.

She married young, at barely 20 years old, and had a disastrous divorce during the reign of Nicholaus and Alyssia, the Royals from whom she received both her AoA and her GdS.

In an effort to make positive changes in her life and move on, she is currently working on changing and registering her name and persona. Once known as HL Shandrea Silvertrue, a name not able to be documented as Norse, she now goes by Asny Haakonsdottir, making her the bastard child of HE Baron Haakon Haakersson.

Now, she tries to make events when her busy modern life allows. She is also trying to organize a move to relocate to the Kingdom of Calontir, across nearly 2000 miles of dangerous lands.

This move may be difficult and fraught with peril, but it is for the best reason anyone can move. Her beloved lives in the Barony of Forgotten Seas, but doesn't yet know it. He is familiar with the SCA and An Tir, but has yet to attend an event. For now, we will call him "Bob the Viking".

Completely, totally, utterly, entire in love with Bob the Viking, Asny's every motion and action is geared towards her intentions on handfasting him. Odin knows, she might even marry him some day.