Daughters of Loki

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History of the Daughters of Loki:

In A.S.XXVIII (1993), Her Excellency Baroness Isabeau de Lis Noir of Blatha an Oir created the Daughters of Loki in response to two very mischievous members of her Barony. She also stated that anyone trying to become a Daughter of Loki by deliberately being mischevious would not be eligible, so as not to encourage the incorrigible. She further designated Sir Hathawulf as the Protector of the Daughters to keep them out of trouble. The Daughters are forbidden from performing any pranks that cause physical or emotional harm.

HE Isabeau further decreed that all members of the Daughters would wear a specific favor on their belts to identify them and to warn people that they were near: a long red strip of fabric, toward the bottom of which there is a black sheep (the Daughters being the "black sheep" of the Barony, so to speak), above the sheep is a gold Ansuz rune, and a bell must be attached at the bottom so that the populace can hear them coming.

Upon induction, each new member of the Daughters is presented with a brass bell to attach to their belt favor. Daughters of Loki can only be inducted by the sitting Baron or Baroness of Blatha an Oir.

At her final court during Autumn War A.S.LI (2016), HE Marike revived the order by calling HL Andromacha, Zahra, and Audny into her presence and made them the newest members of the Daughters of Loki, bringing into light what she had always known about them.

Daughters in order of when they became inducted:

Kirka (1993)

Siobhan (1993)

Maevourneen O'Hilleary (1994)

Petra del Bosque Villard (1994)

Amy Sweet (2002)

Lorelie (2002)

Amethyst Skye, otherwise known as HL Samira al Wadi (2002)

Rita (2002)

HE Marike Sigrunasdotter (2016)

HL Andromacha of Lesbos (2016)

HL Zahra bint al-Rammah (2016)

HL Audny Refsdottir (2016)

Protector of the Daughters:

Sir Hathawulf Spearbreaker (1993)