Einar Guntharson

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Vicount Einar Guntharson

First Prince of Tir Righ
Knight of the SCA
aka "Oak Guntharson"

Odin Kin

Skald needs told. From the North.
Raise fires high. So Ravens see.
Spread coal wings. Glide through glen.
Hear the song of Odin-kin.

Strength of oak. Cunning of Boar.
By his blade he leads the children.
Sheltering oak. Battling boar.
Hear ye children the ringing blade?

Einar he be. Norsemen. Champion. Gunthorson Sweet Thora's pride. Young slayers god. This treasure. This provider.

Brave when viking. Raids bode well. Flee or die. opponents choice. Lighting of sword. And of shield. Thrall or Yarl. Deep bites the blade.

Twice knighted in foreign lands. King-maker. Duke-breaker. He be bearer of silver roses. And wars not easily counted.

Einar striplings. Warriors bold. The mighty Yarl. Death's white wings. The Griffin's claw. A sword to fly. Norse iron bender. Warden of north.

Outland islander. Fast as serpent The mighty bear. Thor's chosen. Great are the ones following Einar Rowing for him. Fighting for him.

On he strides. Victory. Honor. On he strides. Reaver. Chieftain. Yet Ragnorok come. Soon Enough. Ragnorok come. To Frost giants glee.

He will stand. No fear of foe. Deep bites the blade. Giants will fall. And if Odin calls? He will go. To take his seat as Odin-kin.

Poem written by Petro Rosvardo

Our entry in the 40 Year Domes Day Boke Written by: Thora Golvik The Reign of Einar and Thora June AS 38 – Nov AS 38

There is nothing that can express the feelings of standing before Davin, King of An Tir to receive the highest honour we have received to this point, becoming the first Prince and Princess of Tir Righ. As we knelt and received the mantles and coronets little did we know that challenges and rewards that awaited us, as we became the first servants to the Crowns of An Tir. During our reign we went to as many branches and areas of Tir Righ as possible. We made friends we would have never met and had the privilege for setting into motion the traditions of this land. Nothing will ever replace the time that we spent on the Storm Thrones.

See also:Einar and Thora