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Argent, a lion sejant erect grasping a spear and on a chief gules two laurel wreaths argent.

The College of Lyonsmarche is based upon the quad-college-cities of Pullman and Clarkston, Washington and Moscow and Lewiston, Idaho.


Seneschal: HL Phelan Tolusmiðr - email
Chatelaine: Lady Tova Fransdottir - email
Exchequer:HL Ceinwen of Hellsgayte - email
Herald: milady Tawny Buckley - email
Master of Stables: milord Killianflynn MacThoy - email
Minister of Arts and Sciences: milady Tawny Buckley - email

Meetings and Practices

Council Meeting
The College of Lyonsmarche Council Meeting is held the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm, with rotating locations. Please contact the Seneschal for meeting location.
A&S and Fighter Practice
The College of Lyonsmarche A&S and Fighter Practices are currently being held the last Sunday of the month from 1pm to 4pm at the University of Idaho Memorial Gymnasium. Please contact the Arts & Sciences Minister or Master of Stables for more information.

Upcoming Events!

Join us April 24-26, 2009 for Honor War!

As the cold grip of winter slips from the lands, the College of Lyonsmarche, Lentil Capital of the Knowne World, inventories yet another year of excellent crops. Yet jealous eyes from nearby lands take note. Baron Wastekeep plans to lead a military expedition to claim what He feels is rightfully His, including back taxes and interest. Friendly forces, lead by Baron Wealdsmere, assemble from the north, east and south to free the College of invading tyranny. Even Mighty King Vik and Gracious Queen Inga come from Their northern bastion to see this matter settled.

Traditional Events

Honor War


Lyonsmarche Archery Champion -
Lyonsmarche Armored Champion - Sir Devon Wolflin
Lyonsmarche Arts and Sciences Champion - HL Phelan Tolusmiðr
Lyonsmarche Bardic Champion -
Lyonsmarche Brewing Champion -
Lyonsmarche Rapier Champion -


Lyonsmarche website
Lyonsmarche Council minutes
Lyonsmarche Order of Precedence
Lyonsmarche yahoogroups


Mistress Morgaina of the Woodlands [1]
HL Ceinwen of Hellsgayte [2]
HL Hallgrim Vendelson
HL Phelan Tolusmiðr [3]
Lady Freya Goblin Morgaina's Daughter [4]
Lady Æsa Alfvinsdóttir [5]
Lady Tova Fransdottir [6]
milady Casse Tempeste [7]
milord Killianflynn MacThoy [8]
milady Tawny Buckley [9]