User talk:Cassandra Wineday

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Ladyship Cassandra Wineday of Newingate I live in Canterbury at Newingate in the year 1375. St. George’s castle has been recently completed very close to my house. My King is Edward III. Simon Sudbury has just been made Archbishop of Canterbury. My mother is Sherran from West Gate, a surgeon and my father, George Wineday from the Gravesend in London was a dealer in wines and ale. I have one brother, Byron who excels at archery and is known as Yeoman Byron Fletcher. He has been missing these many years so his fate is unknown. The daughter of a surgeon I learned a lot about the human body and spent much of my childhood and early adult hood practicing that craft. My mother left my father when I was young. I spent a couple of years with my father but found his new family hard to live with. I moved to back to Canterbury to stay with my mother. With the previous prosperity of my mother’s trade, my brother’s marksmanship, my husband’s music and our trade of woodworking and making game boards, my husband and I moved our family from Westgate to the newly available land at Newingate near St. Georges Castle. Our status has provided us with our own house on a small plot of land. As the only child who remained a home, I was taught the use of short weapons as defense of the house. The war with France drags on and the walls of Canterbury are crumbling. The murage (tax on trade) has helped with repair costs, but the wall is far from being repaired. One day in my early 20’s a traveling musician came to town as part of a retinue. I spent many hours and days being entertained by the Russian musician Nikolai. After a goodly many months we were married. My husband, as part of the retinue, introduced me to court where I became a protégé. In the court I have developed my skills in calligraphy and illumination which have been useful in designing game board decorations. I continued with my weapons practice and participated in many skirmishes at our wall gate and in other eastern parts of Kent. I was an active member of the local army both as a chiurgion and a member of the shield wall. I was fearless on the warfield often surviving until the end of the engagement. Due to my short stature pole-armers appreciated the advantage of having a short, powerful shield person in front of them. We have two children whom I raised in Canterbury when the court travelled with my husband. This went on for about 20 years until my children had no more need of me. . During the last few years I have made friends with other ladies lucky enough to have horses. Horse riding has always been pleasurable, at first I was at best a beginner rider. Through the years I learned much and was able to attend a mounted hunt. I have developed much skill on horseback and am now one of the better local riders. I love it and feel it now the best use of my weapons skills. I am honing my weapons skills on horseback. I discovered I have skill with sword, lance, javelin and bow, this is no doubt due to my experience on the warfield.