User:Sarra the Brave

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Student to: Mistress Tuirrean dal gCais

Overview: My first event was the Barony of Madrone’s Baronial Banquet in April 2004 (AS 38). I am a Fiber Artist, and Voice Herald.

Home: Barony of Madrone

Household: Company of St. Ulrich (March 2007, AS 41 – current)



   Barony of Madrone, Scribe - January 2012, AS 46 - current


   Royal, UlfR Blodfotur Fallgrson & Caoimhe ingen Domnaille, AS 47 (Lady in Waiting)
   Royal, Ieuan Gower & Gwyneth Gower, AS 46-47 (Lady in Waiting)
   Royal, Thorin Njalsson & Dagmaer in Hvassa, AS 46 (Lady in Waiting)
   Barony of Madrone, Ragnarr Thorwaldsson & Bergdis Thorgrimsdottir
       Head of Retinue - January 2006 (AS 40) to September 2010 (AS 45)
       Lady in Waiting - November 2004 (AS 39) to January 2006 (AS 40)

Event Steward:

   May Crown (co-Steward)- May 2013 (AS 48)
   Barony of Madrone, Baronial A&S - February 2012 (AS 46)
   Barony of Madrone, Lionhearts (co-Steward) - AS 46
   Feast of St. Ulrich - AS 44 & 45 

Gate Steward:

   Barony of Madrone, Baronial A&S - February 2013, AS 47
   Barony of Madrone A Day at the Manor – July 2012, AS 47
   Barony of Madrone, Baronial Banquet - April 2011, AS 45
   Barony of Madrone, Baronial A&S - April 2006, AS 40


   Barony of Madrone, Baronial A&S - February 2013, AS 47 (Staff)
   Barony of Madrone, Performing Arts Ithra - November 2012, AS 47(Kitchen Head)
   Barony of Madrone, Baronial Banquet, October 2012, AS 47 (Staff)
   Feast of St. Ulrich – (Kitchen Co-Head)
       Main dishes only - Spring 2012 (AS 46)
       Entire Meal - Spring 2010 (AS 44)

Arts & Sciences 'Student' Judging:

   An Tir, Kingdom Championship - February 2013, AS 47
   Madrone, Baronial Championship - February 2013, AS 47
   Glymm Mere, Baronial Championship - October 2012, AS 47
   Madrone, Baronial Championship - February 2012, AS 46

Court Heraldry:

   12th Night, AS 47 – Final Court of Vic & Astrid
   September Crown, AS 47 – Court of Vic & Astrid


   Emprise of the Black Lion "Judges Assistant" – September, 2011 & 2012, AS 46 & 47 


Fiber Arts:

   Silk Cord for Barony of Glymm Mere's Champions' Cloak Clasps, AS 47
   "Spindle Spinning 101", various events 

Scribal Arts:

   Emprise of the Black Lion Scrolls, AS 45
   Canton of Porte de l'Eau, Porte Chalice Scroll, AS 47


An Tir:

   Award of Arms - Jan 27, 2007 (AS XLI)
       By: Sven Fallgr Gunnarsson, Signy Oksendahl 
   Goutte de Sang - Jan 8, 2011 (AS XLV)
       By: Tiernan mor dal Cais, Miranda Faoltiarna 
   Forget-me-not - Dec 17, 2011 (AS XLVI)
       By: Dagmaer in Hvassa 	
   Forget-me-not - Jul 21, 2012 (AS XLVII)
       By: Gwyneth Gower 	

Barony of Madrone:

   Green Leaf - Apr 10, 2010 (AS XLIV)
       By: Ragnarr Thorwaldsson, Bergdis Thorgrimsdottir 	
   Tsveti Madrone - Yellow (Fiber Arts) - Apr 9, 2011 (AS XLV)
       By: Edward Cire of Greymoor, Elisabeth de Rossignol 	
   Green Leaf - Sep 15, 2012 (AS XLVII)
       By: Edward Cire of Greymoor, Elisabeth de Rossignol 	

My Kingdom OP listing is: