Ursulmas XLV/2011

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January 28 to 30, XLV/2011
Aquaterra (Snohomish County, WA)
Autocrat Team
Autocrats: HL Jade Redstone
Deputy Autocrat: HL Crinoc Donn ui Laoghaire
Merchant Steward: HL Katherine Brennan Redstone
Evergreen State Fairgrounds, 14405 - 179th Ave SE, Monroe, WA 98272
(briefly) Sample: Cold, with snow on the ground.
Annual Event
(highlights as mentioned in event copy)
Sample: Queen's Rapier Champion Tournament on Sunday
Sample: Costumer's Guild Contest: Full Court Garb

Select Event Copy

The Barony of Aquaterra welcomes you to this, the 30th celebration of the legendary Saint Sir Ursul!

Come revel with us as fighters compete upon the list fields. See An Tir's greatest warriors clash, marvel at the accuracy and skill of archers, the elegance and deadly grace of the rapier.

Fighters who take joy in the extra work of creating fully period armor, Please come test your skill in our newest tournament Vicis Proeliator Conflictus, designed specifically for those who fight in period kit.

Armed combat not to your taste?

Enjoy the Merchant's and Artisans Villages, where goods are sold, crafts are plied, and life in these middle ages is for all to enjoy. Enter Arts and Sciences competitions where your skills can bring you word fame, or celebrate our beloved Saint Sir Ursul in effigy in the Best-Dressed Bear contest.

Enjoy wandering Bards (Or be the Bard who's wandering) and thrill at the daring spectacle of Fire Dancers. (Who will perform when ALL FIGHTING IS AT END!)

From Combat to Crafts, Merchants to Musicians, Dancers to Displays, the finest of An Tir can be seen at Ursulmas.

Event Highlights

Court Report

The following business was conducted in the Courts of Their Excellencies of Aquaterra at Ursulmas 31.

On Saturday January 26, 2011:

Their Majesties Skeggi and Taisiia made numerous awards to Aquaterrans and our guests.
During Their courts, Their Excellencies of Aquaterra gave only one prize, to the Ursulmas Champion (i.e. winner of the Ursulmas Heavy Prize Tourney – see details below.)

On Sunday January 27, 2011:

The Order of the Silver Dolphin was awarded to Carrig O’Dalaigh, Ian MacGillian, James Carrig O’Gywen, Juana la Christiana, Graćion de la Rochelle, and to Don Michele Aquilani da Napoli (known as Don Eagle)
The Order of the Golden Estoile was awarded to Katherine Brennan Redstone, Katla Mani, and to Eloyse Culter of Finchingfeld.
The Order of the Green Bear was awarded to Alan ap Neal.
The Order of the Plate was awarded to Loki Bruin von Redstone and to Riese von Landsee.
Stories were told and Prizes awarded for these Ursulmas Tourneys and Competitions.
Ursulmas Heavy Tournament --Champion over a field of 170 fighters was Sir Roric Sigmundson;
Chivalry prize, with the story told and personal recognition given by His Majesty Skeggi, went to Sir Lachlan MacLean
Bearmeat Tourney won by Conner of Dunwaley
Gideon de Noirville over-40 Tourney won by Æthelred Cloudbreaker
Vicis Proeliator Conflictus won by Æthelred Cloudbreaker
Youth Armored Combat—Ursulmas Tournament --Dragon Division Champion was Azizah bint Rustam, Most Chivalrous was Cormac Victorious Griffin was Vulkov
The graduation of Olaf the Page from Youth to Adult Combat was recognized
Rapier Combat—Ursulmas Rapier Tourney—Champion over a field of 62 fighters was Lord Tora Taka;
Second-Chance Tourney—among 60 fighters was won by Ambrose.
Bear Claw winner: Basilius
Bear Claw accolade: Seamus McKinneagh
Grumpy Old Bear winner: Don Michele Aquilani da Napoli (aka ‘Don Eagle’)
Grumpy Old Bear accolade: Thorbjorn Askni
Archery & Missile Competitions: Ursulmas Novelty Shoot was won by Lord Torn of Froghaven
Ursulmas Thrown Weapons Champion is Etolé Marchant
Grumpy Old Archer: Bjorn Styrkarsson
Missile Combat (box tourney): William Arwemakere
Arts and Sciences: Overall: Elewys Culter of Finchingfeld
Best-dressed Bear: Crinoc Donn
Bardic – People’s Choice award went to Emerald Rain Dance Company;

In other business:

Redwolf, who last year was awarded the Aquaterra Merchant’s Commendation, was given the scroll that goes with that award.
Master Wilhelm the Far Traveller, Leader of the Cohort Primus Aquaterrius, introduced unto Their Excellencies and the populace a new band of expert archers and bowyers under the leadership of one David of Tinsley.
Their home shire of Eisenmarche having dissolved, Eric and his lady, Elizabeth Dougall, of Clan Smith did join and swear fealty to Aquaterra as citizens and members.


(Links to event pictures off-site)

Sample: Twelfth Night Pictures By Lord Joe Populace

Personal Memories

(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)

Sample: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec sagittis leo quis metus. Vivamus convallis felis sed wisi. Nam aliquam turpis blandit leo. --Elizabeth Braidwood