Sound Sergeantry Trials & Sable Rose Tournament L/2015

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August 28 to 30 L/2015
Aquaterra (Snohomish County, WA)
Sinéidín inghean Uí Bhiadhtach
Stanwood/Camano Fairgrounds, 6431 Pioneer Hwy., Stanwood, WA 98292
Annual Event
Aquaterra Sergeantry Trials
(briefly) Sample: Cold, with snow on the ground.
Sergeantry Trials
Sable Rose Emprise
Rapier tourney

Event Highlights

Event Copy

Marshal in Charge: Gideon Hvravensfuri
Equestrian Marshal in Charge: Taradan banMarca

Come one and all to witness the North Sound Sergeantry Trials and Sable Rose Tournaments! The Baronies of Aquaterra, Madrone and Wyewood and the Royal Company of the Sable Rose, Argent have come together to present Sergeantry Trials , and the Sable Rose Emprise Equestrian Challenge, Rapier Prize Tourney, other activities for to witness and participate in. We invite the populace to observe and cheer on the first year of Sergeantry Candidates of the Barony of Wyewood who would seek the honor and responsibility of achieving membership in the Order, or enjoy the many diversions offered.

The Populace is encouraged to explore the testing stations, enjoy the archery and thrown weapons ranges during posted open hours, or bring your equine friend for open ride and gaming pleasure on Saturday of the event. Please check back as we add schedules and details.


3:00 PM Gate & site open
7:00 PM Written testing (Bonnie Cole Hall)
10:00 PM Gate closes


7:30 AM Gate opens
8:00 AM Wyewood Court
Sergeantry Testing begins following Court- Wyewood (Bonnie Cole Hall; archery range; eric)
(Thrown Weapons & Archery ranges & erics reserved for Sergeantry Testing until 1:00 PM)
10:00AM Sable Rose Equestrian Challenge & Ladies’ Berfrois (Arena) (open ride time following competition)
1:00 PM Rapier Tournament (**time approximate; follows equestrian competition & testing)
Cut & Thrust Demonstration
5:00 PM Equestrian open ride ends
Archery & thrown weapons ranges close
6:00 PM Gate closes (re-opened as-needed)
7:00 PM Regional Feast & Sergeantry Testing – By Invitation Only (Bonnie Cole Hall).
Bardic presentations during the feast; dancing to follow.


10:00AM Equestrian open ride time (Arena)
Chariot Driving Demonstration
4:00 PM Site closes


(Links to event pictures off-site)

Sample: Twelfth Night Pictures By Lord Joe Populace

Personal Memories

(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)

Sample: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec sagittis leo quis metus. Vivamus convallis felis sed wisi. Nam aliquam turpis blandit leo. --Elizabeth Braidwood