Somerled of Ballindore

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Name: Somerled of Ballindore

Mundane Name: Joel Leckie

Location: Borealis, Avacal

Originally From: Bordergate (formerly Stonewolf), Avacal

Occupation: Mercenary for Hire


Somerled was born in the summer of 1292, in Scotland, his name meaning "Summer Traveler". When he was four years old his parents were killed in the town of Ballindore. A young couple, merchants traveling from France, discovered him and adopted him. He lived and worked with them until he was 14. In 1306, Somerled left his adopted family and struck out back home to Scotland.

Using the skills he had learned, Somerled worked doing odd jobs for people in return for a place to stay and something to eat. After a couple years of this, he decided that his life meant more than moving one town to the next repairing farms and helping with crop harvests. In 1309, at the age of 17, Somerled picked up a sword and some scraps of armor he could find and repair, and began his training.

A group of seasoned mercenaries trained Somerled in the art of war. They granted him his first real pieces of armor, and the gift of a shield and the loan of a sword. After a year with them, the young fighter felt ready to make his own path. Continuing to train, Somerled hired himself out during times of war, often for little more than some food, spending money, and the experience and thrill of the fight.

It was not long before Somerled found himself at the forefront of a battle without a sword. Taking his hard-earned money, he sought out a weapon he could use to strike fear into his enemies. Finding a merchant in the nearby town, he purchased a short axe and immediately put it to use. After the battle, he was shown the finer points of the axe by another soldier, and has since trained in it's function to entrap and render his enemies helpless in battle.

In 1313, Somerled drew blood with new weaponry. During a heavily pitched battle, Somerled saw an enemy escaping the fray. Short of time, he grabbed the first thing he could find, a blacksmiths hammer. Hurling it at the opponent, Somerled dropped his opponent to the ground. Ever since, the young fighter has strived to carry with him at least one hammer into all battles.

Activities in the SCA

Martial Interests: Heavy combat (favorite is axe and shield), Combat Archery/Missile Combat (favorite is throwing hammer/mace), Rapier combat (favorite is sword and shield), Target archery

Non-Martial Interests: Bardic singing/poetry, dance, chess, juggling

Awards and Achievements

Award of Arms: granted April 18, 2009 at Winter War in Avacal, by HH Hjalti Einarsson and HH Eirika Mjoksiglanda III

Junior Rapier Marshall Junior Archery Marshall