Honey War XXXVII/2002

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June 21 to 23, XXXVII/2002
Aquaterra (Snohomish County, WA)
Sample: Lord Yeoman Conall Riabhach
Sample: Mason County Fairgrounds, Shelton, WA.
Annual Event
Honey War
(briefly) Sample: Cold, with snow on the ground.
(highlights as mentioned in event copy)
Sample: Queen's Rapier Champion Tournament on Sunday
Sample: Costumer's Guild Contest: Full Court Garb

Event Highlights

What happened in court.

Site Copy

HONEY WAR VI: The Dirty Half-Dozen
June 21-23, A.S. XXXVII
Mason County Fairgrounds
Shelton, WA.

Once again the drums of war sing their siren songs. Come join the baronies of Aquaterra and Glymm Mere as they duel in the dirt of the Mason County Fairgrounds in their annual dustup at what has been called "the friendliest war in An Tir." Theme? We don't need no stinkin' theme!!

War points will be given in arts and sciences, siege cooking, children's activities, archery, rapier, and of course the war itself. Sunday morning will feature a three-fighter team tourney sponsored by Northern Thunder, and if weather and interest permit, the always off-center Wacky Tacky Water War. Glymm Mere will also hold it's baronial archery championship on Saturday.

Autocrat: Lord Yeoman Conall Riabhach. Any calls after 8:00 p.m. may be taken by the answering machine, as I go to work extremely early in the morning.

Site fees: Adults - $10/member, $12/non-members, ages 17 and up. $6 for ages 7-16, age 6 and under are free.

Contest coordinator: HL Gallant Amethyst Skye. Please, no calls after 9 p.m.

Merchantcrat: Lady Priscilla Amberfyre, Merchant fee: $1.00 per foot of frontage space. Merchants limited to 40 booths.

From the north or the south: Take I-5 to exit 104 US-101 North Aberdeen/Port Angeles. Go -past- Shelton (not through) on 101. The site is approximately 3/4 to 1 mile past Wallace/Kneeland Blvd. overpass on the left side of the road.

Extra stuff...


Best bread made on site. This includes baked or fried: bread, pancakes, deep-fried things, etc. Bonus points for: Use of honey in, on or with the bread, bread appropriate to your persona, period cooking technique, any documentation. Please supply your own ingredients and cooking equipment, I will have some ingredients available at sign-up. Sign up will be at Arts and Sciences following opening court Saturday morning. Judging same place, time announced at sign-up.

Secret Surprise Bonus Contest! No points, just for fun! Sign up will be at Arts and Sciences following opening court Saturday morning. Judging place and time announced at sign-up.


1. ELIGIBILITY: This tournament is open to any adult member who is willing and able to swear undivided fealty or service to the Coronets of Glymm Mere. Lists will close at a specified time to be determined prior to the championship event, as will the completion time.

2. EQUIPMENT: This tournament will require the competitor to use two different bows during the target portion and also have available SCA legal light armor and equipment for the Glymm Mere challenge. It is suggested that the Barony provide access to the loaner heavy armor during the tournament and all light fighters bring their equipment for loan during the tournament.

3. SCORING: The scoring for this tournament will depend on the number of competitors, with each portion accounting for one third of the final score. (EXAMPLE: with 5 competitors, the winner of each portion would receive 5 points, 2nd place 4 points, etc.) Once the competition is completed, the scores will be added and high score wins. In case of a tie, the competitor who defeated the other in the GM challenge will be declared the winner.

4. TOURNAMENT RULES: The tournament will consist of two An Tir Royal Rounds and a combat tourney called the Glymm Mere Challenge. The Royal Rounds may be shot throughout the day while a specific period of time will be set aside for the GM Challenge.

A. The Royal Rounds require the use of two different bows in two different divisions (i.e. longbow1 and crossbow; open and longbow2; etc.) Competitors will be shooting alongside non-competitors and may shoot as many RRs as they wish. Tournament scores will be kept on a separate scoresheet. Period scoring will not be allowed and the competitor will declare their championship RR prior to beginning that round.

B. The Glymm Mere Challenge is a round robin one-on-one tourney modified from the Kingdom Protector tournament. Each competitor must conform to An Tir light combat armor and weapon standards, and will be limited to 12 missiles. Competitors will be inspected prior to the beginning of the tournament and a designated marshall will inspect every arrow fired prior to it being returned to the competitors quiver. Points for legs and arms remain the same as in the Kingdom Protector tournament. If the quiver is struck, one arrow is lost, if the bow is struck, it becomes unuseable; there are no points for striking either the bow or quiver. Any arrow that touches the ground is dead and may not be gleaned. There will be two 40” 2X12 boards placed 30 yards apart. The competitors may angle the board to their liking. Competitors must keep both feet on the board. If either foot strikes the ground, they are “dead”. The only exception is when legged, they must place both knees on the board.


Sponsored by Northern Thunder, House Rolling Thunder. For further information, contact Marius do Parthia

Ain't life grand...


Hello all...

The theme for Honey War is going to be Children's classes and activities -- I am looking for teachers to help with any type of topic that can fit in with or involve kiddies.... I know time is short (argh!! *smile*) but I'm still trying to find some teachers for misc. topics...

So if you're interested or want to share your knowledges, skills or talents, please let me know!! :) I'm also working on AnTir / West War and July Coronation (tentative) -- so if you are interested for those events too email me at classes@badgersden.com

Thanks! Jasmina (eb)


(Links to event pictures off-site)

Sample: Twelfth Night Pictures By Lord Joe Populace

Personal Memories

(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)

Sample: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec sagittis leo quis metus. Vivamus convallis felis sed wisi. Nam aliquam turpis blandit leo. --Elizabeth Braidwood