Honey War XLV/2010

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June 18 to 20, XLV/2010
Glymm Mere (Olympia, Tumwater & Lacey, WA)
Disa i Birkilundi
Northwest Equestrian Center, 10048 Highway 507, Rainier, WA 98576
Annual Event
Honey War
(briefly) Sample: Cold, with snow on the ground.
(highlights as mentioned in event copy)
Wacky Tacky Water War

Event Highlights

What happened in court.

Event Copy

Once again there seems to be a buzz coming from the North. The bees are beginning to let us know of things they have heard. It would seem that last year about this time there was a plan afoot to thwart the fighters of Glymm Mere in a mighty war. Glymm Mere’s neighbors to the North, who swore that they were friends to our fine barony, were attempting to conspire with the very bees that create the fine honey for which Glymm Mere is well known. The bees, being loyal to Glymm Mere and her mighty Baron and lovely Baroness, cunningly played along until the time was right. Then, during the height of Honey War, the bees showed Blatha an Oir their wrath. Being gentle bees and knowing that Baron Godric and Baroness Kara would not want any true harm to come to their cousins or their cousin’s populace, they simply showed themselves and made their displeasure known.

Blatha an Oir has not accepted any responsibility for the conspiracy attempt, nor have they made any restitution for the honey that was missing from the year prior. This is unacceptable! Glymm Mere has given her neighbors ample time to atone for their transgressions. Let this be the final plea for justice. Should this plea fall on deaf ears one can only imagine what the outcome may be. Please, good people of An Tir, be ready should Glymm Mere have need to, once again, defend herself and her honey.

Come and join us for a battle between Glymm Mere and Blatha an Oir in a war where all can contribute! Join us in support of your favorite barony! For more information: www.glymm-mere.org/honeywar.

Autocrat: Disa I Birkilundi

Deputy Autocrat: Francisca de Montoya

Merchantcrat: Gyl of the White Moors

Site Coordinator (Group Reservations): Margaret Fae

Site Info: Northwest Equestrian Center 10048 Hwy 507 Rainier, WA 98576 Gate opens at noon for merchants and 1pm for general populace and closes at 5pm on Sunday.

Site Fees: Camping Adults-$16, Youth 17 to 12- $8, Children 11 and under FREE

Daytrip Adults- $10, Youth- $6

$3 NMS fee applies. Family cap of $48. Make checks payable to “SCA Inc., Barony of Glymm Mere”


(Links to event pictures off-site)

Sample: Twelfth Night Pictures By Lord Joe Populace

Personal Memories

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Sample: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec sagittis leo quis metus. Vivamus convallis felis sed wisi. Nam aliquam turpis blandit leo. --Elizabeth Braidwood