Genevieve DesMarais

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Genevieve DesMarais
Resides: Thornwold
Date Started: 2012
Awards: Order of Precedence
Offices: Chatelaine, A&S Officer, Seneschal, Chronicler of Thornwold; Baronical Scribe of Aquaterra; Royal Scribe to Ana & Nikolai
Argent, semy of oak leaves vert, an otter rampant purpure maintaining in its mouth a fish gules.
Exemplar of her work: Pelican scroll - Art & Painting by Genevieve Desmarais and Jadwiga; Calligraphy by Francesca Elenor; Thornwold Scriptorium


Protege to Desiree_Chirastella

SCA Resume

Kingdom Work
Volunteering for Gate, both before and at the event
Very active in Water Bearing before the dissolution of that station, still often doing so in an unofficial capacity
Attendant/Guard duty on multiple reigns, often volunteering day of to fill gaps as needed
Copious Charter Painting and Design
Multiple Peerage Scrolls and Originals

Currently working as Baronial Scribe for Aquaterra (2023-current)

Principality Work
Running and hosting events within the Principality (Mostly within Thornwold)
Event steward for an investiture
A member of an event team that ran an Investiture
Gate at many events
Attendant/Guard on multiple reigns - currently part of Mikolaj and Jadwiga's retinue
Helped with the creation of garb for incoming royals
Charter designs and scroll work for many reigns

Shire Work
Have held an office within the Shire since 2013
Notably was Seneschal during the pandemic (2019-2022)
Helped with all events ran in the Shire since joining
Helped organize, clean, and catalog the Shire locker, with items going back to the 80s
Was part of multiple committees including financial and research of new tents and other needed items for the Shire
Participated in and helped with the Shire's presense in two Pride parades
Have remained a contact point for information regardless of position held

Notable Awards
Silver Dolphin: Service at Ursulmas Gate, Scribal, Water Bearing at wars and Ursulmas
Baronesses Favor: Huge Largess contribution as well as Charter and Scroll work
Pillar: Being a foundational member of the shire of Thornwold, and a reliable do-all person within the Principality.
Herons Quill: One of the premier members of the order for creation of original scrolls and charters
Jambe de Lion: Have created over a dozen original scrolls and Charter designs
Gute de Sang: Over a decade of service and assistance to Shire, Principality, and Kingdom


Notes over which Genevieve has no say...

From an interview with Maminka, Genevieve DeMarais (or DesMarais) said she has been a scribe for about 8 years or so (as of June 2023). As one who has seen her work, it is fantastic! ~ Halima al-Rakkasa

Having been a shiremate of Genvieve's since we all started together 12 years ago, she is much more than a scribe. She has been an officer of some manner for a decade, and autocrated events, demos, retinue, you name it, she helped with it. ~ Mikolaj Thorkelwicz (AS LVIII)