Eirik and Drifinna

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Revision as of 21:52, 15 September 2015 by Michelino di Gino Martini (talk | contribs) (→‎Awards Given)
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Preceded by:
Ieuan II and Gwyneth II
Eirik and Drifinna
Sixty-Fifth King and Queen of An Tir
11 Jan AS XLVIII/2014 – 19 July AS XLIX/2014
Succeeded by:
Styrkarr and Stjarna

Royal Progress



4-6 Wastekeep Baron's Ball Wastekeep Prince and Princess


1-3 An Tir Kingdom Feast Princess


7 Dragons Laire Yule Feast Dragons Laire Prince and Princess
14 Three Mountains Yule Feast Three Mountains Prince and Princess


10-12 12th Night Barony of Wyewood Prince and Princess

As King and Queen:


24-26 Ursulmas Barony of Aquaterra King and Queen


8 Founding Revel Barony of Stromgard King and Queen
25-Mar 3 Estrella War Kingdom of Atenveldt King and Queen


7-9 Kingdom Arts & Sciences Barony of Stromgard King and Queen
28-30 Summits Spring Coronet Barony of Terra Pomaria King and Queen


11-13 Hopping Phules/Baroness War Barony of Vulcanfeldt King and Queen
25-27 Bar Gemels Barony of Terra Pomaria Queen


16-18 May Crown Barony of Vulcanfeldt King and Queen
23-26 Celtic Revolt Barony of Wealdsmere Queen
30 - June 1 June Faire Barony of Dragon's Laire King and Queen


27-29 Avacal Principality War/Investiture Principality of Avacal King and Queen


3-6 An Tir/West War King and Queen
18-20 July Coronation Barony of Three Mountains King and Queen


Head of Retinue Justin de Leon
Court Coordinator Jenaé la Joyeaux
Court Coordinator Talentus del Albero
Sable Mountain Herald Conchobar MacEoin
Head Lady in Waiting Nadezhda Volynskaiia
Captain of the Queen's Guard Merowyn
Captain of the King's Guard Arnsbjorn Tiernanson CuRigh
Head Scribe Inga the Unfettered
Head Scribe Hlutwige Wolfkiller
Largesse Coordinator Mary Grace of Gatland
Garb Coordinator Drifa in Rauða

Awards Given

Awards in the OP

Notable Accomplishments

