Cateline de la Mer
Cateline de la Mer (AoA, TWIT), currently a resident of the Barony of Seagirt, past resident of Lions Gate and Frozen Mountain. My persona is a 13th century Frenchwoman. Cateline is an Old French variant of Catherine (documented to 1292) and de la Mer means "of the Sea" (documented to 1260).
Current interests:
- Medieval and Renaissance dance
- Soapmaking - I am rapidly turning into a soap geek and even MY eyes are starting to glaze over when I pontificate on the history of soap (not to mention I'm running out of room in my apartment for all the soap I've made already and haven't found homes for yet)
- Knitting
- Stick weaving
- Golden Swan - researching a Vinland persona for that (My Golden Swan Odyssey), hoping to enter Swan for 2007
- Bardic - I sing
- Writing - three books of poetry published so far and aiming for a fourth in 2006 (Seacastle Press). Book four is a collection of sonnets, villanelles, sestinas, triolets and other poems written in medieval and Renaissance forms of verse.
- Naalbinding - still need to learn this one but it fits well with my general interest in playing with string and with Vikings
- Filk
- Puns - I didn't get my TWIT by sitting still and keeping my mouth shut, after all
- Collecting garb
- Medieval games - anything except chess, that is. I can't seem to wrap my brain around it.
--Catmcroy 18:57, 13 Sep 2006 (EDT)