Kataryna Tkach

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Revision as of 03:57, 14 March 2008 by Kataryna (talk | contribs)
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Better known as Kataryna Dragonweaver

Creator of the Avacal Bard's Book, available printed and online at Avacal Bards Site.

== Interests ==

- Obsessed with the history of decorated eggs from anywhere. (Not the symbols but the processes used to make them)

- Ukrainian culture during the SCA period (Ukraine-centric research compared to Russia-centric research)

- Music - English language music (celtic, period, folk tune collecting) & Byzantine music

- Storytelling and the role of stories and songs within the culture of the SCA. (Yes - I collect filk)

- Slavic and Eastern European Pottery... but it's been skewing towards Islamic recently.

- Making Kilns and Ovens

- While not a direct interest, I have a wealth of information on Ukrainian period clothing I've been collecting for the last 5 years, I'm slowly making it available to others as it's translated... but with all my other interests becoming a garb maven is doubtful.

Interests and varied projects are detailed at Kataryna's Place