Katherine Moore

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Revision as of 00:06, 1 March 2006 by Kerije (talk | contribs)
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This is Katherine Moore's page. She can put whatever she wants on it.

OP/Award information for Katherine

Im not a programmer, how do I do this? What do people want to know about me?

I received my Laurel last year for Pottery, 14th C reproduction work. Im not usually trying to make a specific pot, but if my mug full of beer was dropped on an 14th C. English pub table in front of you, I hope that you wouldn't look at it twice. Im trying to look 'Medievally Possible', if that makes any sense. My clothes, and encampment are all becoming more a Medieval possibility than an SCA Dream. I've still got a long way to go but everybody needs a goal I guess. I hope this idea intrigues people and doesn't make them feel judged because they want something different then I do, I don't inflict my ideas on other people, they can do whatever they want. The minimum standard to play in the SCA is an attempt at pre 17C clothing, so what is the maximum before you arent welcome?? K