James Wolfden
His Lordship James Wolfden
Lord James Wolfden lives near Newbury, England in the mid-14th Century. As an archer, he served at both Crecy and Calais under the rule of King Edward III. This enabled him to earn enough wealth to buy a some amount of land. He currently works as a forester and organizes the bow and stable when royalty comes to hunt in the forests. As a forester, James has learned some fletching and bowyering skills in addition to huntsman lore. Should the good King call on him again, he will be glad to return to France to establish Edward’s claim to the throne. James is married to Margaret Hamilton of Stirlingshire. They have three children.
James Wolfden
Baroness’ Champion of Archery, 2003
Award of Arms 2004
Arcuarius to John Macandrew, OGGS
Member Lions Gate Company of Archers, 2003-2005
Lions Gate Defender of Arts/Sciences, 2006
Jambe de Lion, 2006