Clinton War XL/2005

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Revision as of 18:46, 9 August 2005 by Krenn (talk | contribs) (Weather report)
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29 July - 1 Aug XL/2005
Lions Gate (Vancouver B.C.)
Maelen of Catcott and Scellanus of Skye
private ranch, property of the autocrats
Hot and dry, with slight cloudiness
Baroness's Walk-Down
Archery Shoot
Roving rapier tournament
#Ithra Classes

Event Highlights

(Stuff that happened in Court, or who won the contests, or that happened to all or most people on site e.g. a windstorm, or banquet details. Include links to other pages as appropriate.)

War is dangerous, war is fun, war is good for the economy. Lions Gate, again concerned that the Principality forces might not be ready for the onslaught of invaders has conferred with his Highness Prince Kheron (I suspect this is a holdover from last year's copy), and agrees that a weekend of war games to test the Principality armies is again in order.

War Points

  1. Sciences Point: On-site siege weapon construction. Bring fasteners, rope, plans and your imagination. Lumber will be provided on a limited basis. There will be a size limit.
  2. Arts Point: Painting and decorating of the baths.
  3. Heavy: field battles
  4. Rapier: gallant battles
  5. Archery: Rescue scenario

Master Steffano takes three new proteges: Briony, Yuri, and Chang.

Their Majesties were not able to attend as they had planned.

Ithra Classes

  • A Young Person's Guide to A Medieval Castle - Geoffrey McLean
  • Advanced Blackwork Embroidery - Giacinta Maria Cocchetti
  • Advanced Western European Dance - Rhiannon ap Gwynedd
  • Baking in a Brick Oven. - Meresigha Stonegatta
  • Basic Bodhran Playing - Nigel, Bard of Swansea & Diana the Devious
  • Basic Western European Dance - Rhiannon ap Gwynedd
  • Bead Identification - Meresigha Stonegatta
  • Beginner Lampworked Beads - Rabiya
  • Beginners Persona Development - Ruaidhri Silverhand
  • Beginning Rapier - Draven Mac Raith
  • Beginning Wood Turning - Mary Ostler
  • Better Homes and Yurts. - Richarde Touchet de la Croix
  • Blackwork Embroidery - Melissa Kendal
  • Cavalier Cassocks, Hats and Doublets - Genevieve de Clairvaux
  • Celtic Knotwork - Gabriel of Rockhaven
  • Consort Training - Melissa Kendal
  • Dry Needle Felting Embroidery - Genevieve Barbota
  • Field Heraldry - Colin MacKay of Balmaghie
  • Forsooth English - Stefano di Armani
  • Fun with Leather Scraps - Cennett ap Llangollen
  • Gate Duty - Melissa Kendal
  • Handknitting in the Medieval Period - Nan Compton
  • Heavy Armor Inspection - Cyneric Bearson of the Clan McBean
  • How To Knit - Nan Compton
  • How to Run the Clinton Bakehouse - Meresigha Stonegatta
  • Intermediate Lampworked Beads - Rabiya
  • Intermediate Persona Development - Ruaidhri Silverhand
  • Intro to Blackwork Embroidery - Giacinta Maria Cocchetti
  • Intro to Chasing & Tool Making (Part 2) - Cennett ap Llangollen
  • Intro to Chasing & Tool Making (Part 1) - Cennett ap Llangollen
  • Intro to the SCA - Meresigha Stonegatta
  • Introduction to Classical Rhetoric - Stefano di Armani
  • Introduction to Piercework - Cennett ap Llangollen
  • Lady in Waiting - Melissa Kendal
  • Liqueur Making - Genevieve Barbota
  • Medieval Sheep Breeds & Fibre Preparation for Spinning - Nan Compton
  • Merchanting 101 - Genevieve Barbota
  • Metal Piercing - Anna the Lost
  • Naalbinding - Nan Compton
  • Needlepoint for Young People - Giacinta Maria Cocchetti
  • Overview of Pewter Casting - Harold Devin of Waltham
  • Piracy at Sea - Guillaume de LaFlamme Rouge
  • Primitive Silverworking - Neegahnee of Borealis
  • Rapier Marshalling - Draven Mac Raith
  • Rapier Melee - Luther Magnus and Don Pierce O'Briain
  • SCA Banquet Planning 101 - Kenzie McBean
  • SCA For Beginners - Acarin Saint-Cyr
  • Seamanship - Guillaume de LaFlamme Rouge
  • Ship Ranks - Guillaume de LaFlamme Rouge
  • Ships of the Period 600 to 1199 - Guillaume de LaFlamme Rouge
  • Ships of the Period 1200 to 1650 - Guillaume de LaFlamme Rouge
  • Spindle Spinning - Nan Compton - Using a Hand Spindle
  • Tablero de Gucci Etiquette & How-To-Play - Azure M. M al Khabeelah
  • Tavern Wenching - Zakkia Amet al Aziz banu Khabeelah
  • The Basics of Chasing, Punching & Repousse - Angantyr Hjalmsmithr
  • The History of An Tir (Part 1) - Melissa Kendal
  • The History of An Tir (Part 2) - Melissa Kendal
  • The Lions Gate Watch / Safety and Security - Melissa Kendal
  • Woodcarving for Beginners - Yeorick the Simple
  • Working with Leather - Auacia de Gaulbert


(Links to event pictures off-site)

Sample: Twelfth Night Pictures By Lord Joe Populace

Personal Memories

(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)

The Clinton That Almost Wasn't

Due to mundane concerns blowing up (aka, the union at the company I work for going on strike on the first day of my vacation), I was looking at not being able to go to Clinton, for the second time in ten years. Needless to say, I wasn't happy about this.

I did end up getting three days off, though, and did attend the start of the work week and got to spend some time raising the roof on the Castle tower with the rest of the Castle Crew. A little bit of a fix is better than none! --Krenn

When I read the heading of Krenn's memory posting above ("The Clinton That Almost Wasn't") I thought he was going to write about the fuss on the e-mail lists shortly before the event about whether or not the event was "legal" or "sanctioned". Does anybody have the whole story to share? --Elizabeth Braidwood

We won the art points, sciences points etc etc. His Highness Prince Ieuan won the war points.

On the baronesses walk on Sunday I'm proud to say that under the leadership of Sergeant Dalibor we successfully delivered Her Excellency Aurora to the castle, despite the best efforts of the Wolf pack and Prince Ieuan's forces.

Unfortunately we did not succeed in holding the castle, or rescuing the Baroness from the brigands once they gained entry.