Elyn of Eyrie

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SCA History

Joined the SCA in 1968 A.S. II (2) or III (3) in the Province/Principality of the Mists, Kingdom of the West. Chose this name in 1969. As a shy teenage spent most of my time lurking on the fringes of classes and events while learning to make garb and turning my hand to trying any textile craft practice offered, O. W. L. and making pot pourri and candles with whale spermaceti.

I recall Autumn Crown Tourney October 4, 1969 (A.S. IV) Kingdom of the West observing the Coronation of Stefan and Luise and thanking all the Gods and Goddesses that the (just met) fellow I had given my ribbon favour to came in second to Stefan in that Crown tourney thereby sparing any further scrutiny.

Off to "real life" moving back to An Tir in 1971.

Returning to the SCA in 2021 starting with online TUTR classes and finding a welcome. Currently residing in the Principality of Tir Righ in the Shire of Thornwold.

She was Awarded Arms by Mikolaj Thorkelwicz and Jadwiga Radomyskova May 4, 2024 (A.S. LIX) (A.S. LX)

Persona History

In honor of my ancestors, I generally have the persona of an English lady born in the fens and raised circa 1500, foster daughter of the beloved Avis the Fair so called because Avis was a known champion of justice.

I also may be in Viking persona circa 1000 in honour of my ancestors as a family farm is still held in Vestfold, Norway (near Oseberg).


Anything fibre related I can be found messing with it (except raw fiber or spinning). Presently interested in blackwork embroidery and tablet weaving. I made quilts for 20 plus of my non-SCA years and have an interest in making banners using applique in silk or felt.