Azure Mary MacGregor

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Azure Mary MacGregor
Azure al Khabeelah

Also known as azure al khabeelah of the al khabeelah household.

Has been known to be a member of the Bardic Lights, and a resident of Lions Gate.

A fencer, light fighter, calligrapher, merchant and bard, Azure keeps busy in the al khabeelah tent playing Tablero da Gucci whenever possible.

Her original Laurel Master Cathal Sean O'Connlauin was eaten by a whale three years ago off the coast of the Barony of Seagirt. Some say he and Jonah spend their days spinning tales of wonder to while away the days.

Her new Laurel Mistress Arias the Innkeeper's Daughter is reknowed for her Bardic Arts including such songs as "Bar Maids of Vahalla" and "Where's Your Knickers, Nyree."