File talk:Trinitie may crown 2022 holding coronet LOL.JPG
During the first year of Robert Trinitie The Chickenhearted and Baroness Gabrielle Lepinay. We attended our 1st AnTir - West War as landed B&B. We were still getting used to the idea of being "important" One night wandering around the site I quickly noticed that every time I approached a group. They would quietly take note of me and modify their conversations n such. While you cant swing a dead cat without hitting a brass hat at this event. No one was sure "who" I was. I was no longer a social ninja butterfly invisible person.
I was getting tired of this. Then I was struck with an idea. I started carrying my coronet in my hands. Giving the unspoken impression of: "This isn't mine! I'm just wandering around looking for the *(^*(%^ who dropped it on me and vanished" VOILA I was invisible again!
This worked like a charm for about 45 minutes. Then I heard a "demonic death voice" behind me. It said: "Robert. You bastard. Put that back on! If I have to wear it. *You* have to wear it! I turned towards Gabrielle and said: "Yes your excellency." And put my coronet back on