Ciar ingen Fiachnae

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Revision as of 00:09, 2 September 2020 by CiarF (talk | contribs) (→‎Current Service: update)
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Ciar in a blue t-tunic standing in front of fern
Ciar ingen Fiachnae
Resides: Dragon's Laire
Pronouns: Not specified
Date Started: June 18 of AS XLIX (2014)
Awards: Order of Precedence
Prefered Title: Not specified
Offices: Seneschal of Dragon's Laire

(device in progress)


Quick pronunciation: KEE-ur inion FEE-uch-nay

Ciar ingen Fiachnae is the Old Irish form of the Primitive Irish Cera inigena Veqanai, The documentation for both parts of the name comes from the first volume of the Irish Annals. The use of Ciar was recorded in 679 and 681. Fiachna is recorded for several years and was found as early as 574. Fiachna is modified to Fiachnae in an early form of genderization. Ingen translates to "daughter of".

For comparison, the male version of the name would be Ciaran mac Fiachna. Ciaran is the diminutive form and there is no known explanation for why the diminutive is male when it would typically be female. To indicate 'son of' use mac. Fiachna is not modified.

Because the names, while Old Irish, were documented and then recorded again, they may have a later period spelling of the earlier period names. The documentation referred to by the SCA can be found here and here. As well as in "Irish Names," by Donnchadh Ó Corráin and Fidelma Maguire, 2nd edition (Dublin, Ireland: Lilliput Press, 1990). In his book "Early Medieval Ireland 400 to 1200," Dáibhí Ó Cróinín notes that the Old Irish was being written with the Roman alphabet by 600AD and that there is a theory that transition and crossover between the Primitive and Old Irish may have occurred (pages 189-193)(New York, USA: Routledge, 2013).


Still being developed! Ciar ingen Fiachnae lives on the west coast of Ireland and is from the early 7th century. This is a time of rapid cultural change - a recent major language shift, a written language is developed, both the written and spoken Latin and Irish are being taught to everyone.


Current Offices

Current Service


  • Events
  • Service
    • Regional point of contact for Kingdom Charter printing, dissemination, and collection, 2017 to present
    • YAFA Mentor: Nov 2016 to present.


  • Events
    • Event clean up crew 2014 to present
    • June Faire: 04 to 06 June AS LVI (2021)
  • Service
    • Scribal illumination and some charter design

Guilds and Groups

  • An Tir Apothecary Guild
  • Dragon’s Laire Culinary and Spirit-makers Guild
  • Dragon’s Laire Scribal Guild
  • Dragon’s Laire Research Corpus

Current Projects and Interests

  • YAFA module reviews to suggest ways to make them more interactive and interesting
  • Do a single-entry presentation on Apicius’ 305 Aliter Dulcia (Another Sweet) after having completed the presentation at Atheneum.
  • Persona development
  • Dragon’s Laire Book Project: Coordinated teaching and production to create a period manuscript working with recipe redactors, cooks, paper makers, scribes, and book binders.
  • Siege cooking!
  • Complete the paper comparing Irish clothing pre- and post- Viking Settlement based on extant findings and writings
  • Research into Irish trade prior to the arrival of the Norse and Danes.
  • Recipe research and redaction: Roman, Saxon, Irish, and Persian

Previous Activities, Projects, and Presentations

  • Working with Kingdom and Society YAFA on the modules and mentor-teacher-student relationship. Modules of focus: culinary, jewelry making.
  • The Road to Athenaeum: 28 July AS LV (2020): 'Experimentation and redaction of 'Another Sweet' from De Re Conquinaria, a 5th Century Roman Cookbook.' Viewable by clicking the 1 [1]
  • Collegium: 25-27 October AS LIV (2019): 'Demo Events' presentation and handout.
  • Assist with research and writing of Demo-Event proposal for BOD with Master Arontius, 2019.
  • Siege cooking!

Previous Service


  • Events

Barony of Dragon's Laire

  • Events
    • Candlemas: 01 February AS LIV (2019): Cook assistant
    • Yule: 07 December AS LIV (2019): Feast Menu and Planning – did not attend due to family emergency
    • June Faire: 07-09 June AS LIV (2019): Co-Steward, Kingdom Calendar, Volunteer food coordinator
    • Candlemas: 02 February AS LIII (2019): Kingdom Calendar, Cook assistant
    • Þangbrandr Sløngvandbaugi Vigil: 12 January AS LIII (2019): Norse food research and food coordinator
    • June Faire: 07-09 June AS LIV (2019): Seneschal, Co-Steward
    • June Faire: 01-03 June AS LIII (2018): Gate volunteer, Volunteer food coordinator
    • Candlemas: 3 February AS LII (2018): Contingency Event Steward
    • Yule: 9 December AS LII (2017): Feast Coordinator
    • June Faire: 02-04 June AS LII (2017): Gate volunteer, Culinary demo
    • Candlemas: 11 February AS LI (2017): Deputy Event Steward, Lunch cook, Decorations coordinator
    • Yule: 10 December, AS LI (2016): Cook assistant
    • Last Chance: 30 September to 2 October, AS LI (2016): Schedule
    • June Faire culinary demo: 2017, 2016, 2015
  • Offices
    • Deputy Seneschal: September, 2016 to May, 2017.

Other branches

  • Events
    • Maypole XXVII Druim DoineannmL 4 May, AS LIV: Culinary Demo
    • Sport of Kings: August 17-20 AS LII (2017): Virgin Countess assistant cook and scullery.
    • Stromgard Founding Revel: February 25 AS LI (2017): assistant cook, cake!

Recognitions and Awards

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang