Luna-Francesca Di Marco Luppi

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Luna Francesca di Marco Luppi

Signora Luna Francesca di Marco Luppi resides in the barony of Adiantum. She is a late 15th century Italian woman.
Luna Francesca is the daughter of Lucretia, a retired papal courtesan - who was married to Marco Luppi,a minor Venetian noble once her affair was over. Luna's brothers secured her a marriage in Florence, to Pasquale di Bellomi.

A Brief History

Luna is a cross over from our Pirate Cousins, where she charaded as Etsulie The Fox, Fencer Extraordinaire. She came to the SCA after moving back to Eugene after Finishing college.

Areas Of Focus

Early Florentine and Venetian Costuming, Draping

stabby things, subleties, heraldry and illumination.

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