Protégé to Baron Tadhg O'Muchadha The Wanderer, Order of the Pelican
Student to Master Francis Darcy, Order of the Laurel
Consort to Archos Eobhan Dunbar
Event Schedule
12th Night Coronation - January 11-13 - Three Mountains
Adiantum's Midwinter Feast - January 19 - Adiantum
Urslamus - January 25-27 - Aquaterra
Briaroak Birl - February 2 - Briaroak
Summits A&S and Bardic - February 8-10 - Couer du Val
An Tir A&S and Rapier - March 1-3 - Glyn Dwfn
Summits March Coronet - March 15-17 - Corvaria
Bar Gamels - April 19-21 - Terra Pomaria
An Tir May Crown - May 17-19 - Stromgard
Egil Skallagrimsson Memorial Tournament - May 24-27 - Adiantum
Summits June Investiture - -
Resides: |
Date Started: |
Awards: |
- Aurei Ursi May 24, 2008 (AS XLIII) By Katerine Martel
- Award of Arms Sep 24, 2011 (AS XLVI) By TH Brian Caius Brittanicus, Acacia Gryffyn
- Friend Of The Summits Feb 4, 2012 (AS XLVI) By Laurs surtr, Ætta surt
- Grail Of The Summits - A&S Aug 4, 2012 (AS XLVII) By TH Aaron Duncan, Telisia Brutusdottir
- Goutte de Sang Oct 20, 2012 (AS XLVII) By TRM Vik Vikingsson, Astrid av det Fjord Landskap
- Silver Barberry Dec 8, 2012 (AS XLVII) By Telisia Brutusdottir
- Forget-me-not Jun 22, 2013 (AS XLVIII) By Astrid av det Fjord Landskap
- Throne Favor January 10, 2015 (AS XLIX) By TH Luciano Foscari, Elizabeth Turner de Carlisle
- Fern and Quill Aug 9, 2014 (AS XLIX) By Durin Oldenmoor Tjorkilskin, Ceridwen ferch Morgan
- Jambe de Lion Sep 20, 2014 (AS XLIX) By TRM Styrkarr Jarlsskald, Stjarna
- Grail Of The Summits - Martial May 23, 2015 (AS L) By TH William Geoffrey the Rogue, Diana de Winterton
- Collar and Chain May 24, 2015 (AS L) By TE Durin Oldenmoor Tjorkilskin, Ceridwen ferch Morgan
- Fern and Quill May 24, 2015 (AS L) By Durin Oldenmoor Tjorkilskin, Ceridwen ferch Morgan
- Shield of Chivalry March, 2015 By Vestia Antonia Aurelia
- Gryphon's Paw June 4, 2016 (AS LI) by Ziitos Turk
- Grail of the Summits - Service Dec 10, 2016 By Breaca Flannabhra
- Gryphon's Paw May 29, 2017 By Tjorkill Kanne
- Heart of the Summits May 29, 2017 By Tjorkill Kanne and Alina of Folkstone
- Silver Barberry June 17, 2017 by Alina of Folkstone
- Throne Favor of the Summits June 17, 2017 by Tjokill Kanne and Alina of Folkstone
- Forget-me-not September 16, 2017 by Helene d'Anjou
- Main de St. Nicholas September 16, 2017 by Christian Bane and Helene d'Anjou
- Silver Barberry December 9, 2017 by Ceridwen ferch Morgan
- Gryphon's Paw December 9, 2017 by Durin Oldenmoor Tjokilskin
- Silver Barberry June 23, 2018 by Seamus O'Calleigh
- Gryphon's Paw June 23, 2018 by Ziitos Turk
- Throne Favor of the Summits June 23, 2018 by Ziitos Turk and Seamus O'Calleigh
- Joy of the Summits June 23, 2018 by Ziitos Turk and Seamus O'Calleigh
- Order of The Mountain and Grail Premiere Entrant, December 8, 2018 by Njal Tjorkilsson and Elisif in Vaena
Offices: |
- Baronial Heavy Marshal Adiantum - 2012-2015
- Thingmakers Guild and Regalia Steward Adiantum 2016-2018
Event Staff: |
- Volunteer Coordinator, 2012, Egil Skallagrimmson Memorial Tournament 38
- Merchant Coordinator, 2013, Egil Skallagrimmson Memorial Tournament 39
- Heavy MIC, 2013, Egil Skallagrimmson Memorial Tournament 39
- Heavy MIC, 2014, Egil Skallagrimmson Memorial Tournament 40
- Co-Steward, 2015, Egil Skallagrimmson Memorial Tournament 41
- Co-Steward, 2017 Adiantum's Midwinter Feast
- Feast Steward, 2017, Adiantum’s Midwinter Feast
- Co-Steward, 2017, Egil Skallagrimmson Memorial Tournament 43
- Merchant Coord, 2017, Egil Skallagrimmson Memorial Tournament 43
- Royal Liason, 2017, Egil Skallagrimmson Memorial Tournament 43
- Prize Coordintator, 2017, Egil Skallagrimmson Memorial Tournament 43
- Prize Coordinator, 2017, Sport of Kings 9
- Town Cry Coordinator, Egil Skallagrimmson Memorial Tournament 44
- Event Steward, 2019, Adiantum's Midwinter Feast
- Class Coordinator, 2020, 12th Night
Classes Taught: |
- 11th /12th Century Laidwork Embroidery in the style of the Bayeux Tapestry (Average 5-15 ppl per class)
- 13th -15th Century German Brickstitch Embroidery (Average 5-15 ppl per class)
- 5 Universal Embroidery Stitches (Average 5-15 ppl per class)
- AnTir/West War 2016
- Egils 2018
- Banner Applique Two Ways
- Amergins 2017
- Adiantum Thingmakers Meeting 2017
- Fabric Button Making - Two Ways (Average 6-8 ppl per class)
- Adiantum Thingmakers Meeting 2017
- Gothic Fitted Dress/Cotehardie Draping (Average 6-8 ppl per class)
- In-home Class 2016
- In-home Class 2018
- Rectangular Construction Pattern Drafting (Average 5-10 ppl per class)
- Royal Tailor "Emperor's New Clothes"- Wrangling Garb for a Reign - Do’s, Dont’s, Tips, and Tricks for a successful reign. (Average 3-5 ppl per class)
- Egils 2017
- Adiantum's Midwinter Feast 2018
- Egils 2018
- Collegium 2018
- Opus Anglicanum (Average 3-5 ppl per class)
- Goldwork/Giltwork (Average 3-5 ppl per class)
- Glove Patterning and Making (Average 10-20 ppl per class)
- Collegium 2017
- Egils 2018
- What to Wear Under There - Appropriate undergarments throughout the SCA scope (Average 10-20 ppl per class)
- Corvaria Shire Social 2014
- Silk Banner Painting
- Basic Garb with a T-Shirt and a Sheet
Retinue: |
- Brutus Solomon and Katrine Martel (Adiantum) 2005
- Telisia Brutusdottir and Aaron Duncan (Summits) 2012
- Tadhg O'Murchadha and Morrghan O'Siodchain (Adiantum) 2012
- Ziitos Turk and Vestia Antonia Aurelia (Summits) 2015
- Tjorkill Kanne and Alina of Folkstone (Summits) 2016
- Attendant
- Guard
- Fill-In Court Coordinator
- Durin Oldenmoor and Ceridwen ferch Morgan (Summits) 2017
- Attendant
- Guard
- Fill-In Court Herald
- Christian Bane and Helene d'Anjou (AnTir) 2017
- Durin Oldenmoor and Ceridwen ferch Morgan (Adiantum) 2018
- Fill-In Court Coordinator
- Fill-In Court Herald
- Ziitos Turk and Seamus O'Cealaigh (Summits) 2018
- Attendant
- Guard
- Fill-In Court Herald
- Njal Tjorkilson and Ellsif in Vaena (Summits) 2018
Royal Tailor: |
- Luciano Foscari & Elizabeth Turner de Carlisle for Summits Principality reign 2012
- Late period Italian
- Created 12 individual pieces
- Ziitos Turk and Vestia Antonia Aurelia for Summits Principality reign 2015
- Byzantine, Roman, and Rus
- Created 5 pieces
- Coordinated a group of 9 other artisans to create 20 individual pieces
- 25 pieces total
- Tjorkill Kanne and Alina of Folkstone for Summits Principality reign 2017
- Rus, Mongolian, Turkish
- Created 14 pieces
- Coordinated a group of 16 other artisans to create 37 individual pieces
- 51 pieces total
- Christian Bane and Helen d'Anjou for An Tir Kingdom reign 2017
- 12th C Norman, Norse, 14th Century French
- Created 7 pieces
- Coordinated 20 other artisans to create 33 individual pieces
- 40 pieces total
- Ziitos Turk and Seamus O'Caelaigh for Summits Principality reign 2018
- 16th century Polish and English
- Created 11 pieces
- Coordinated a group of 8 other artisans to create 16 individual pieces
- 27 pieces total
Other Royal Garb Construction: |
- Telisia Brutusdottir for Summits Principality reign 2012
- Astrid av de Fjord Landskap for Kingdom reign 2012
- Appliqued swans and couched goldwork on mantle
- Taraneh al Zahra for Summits Principality reign 2014
Construction and donation of prizes and largesse: |
Examples include:
- Summits Archery Champion Regalia Hood
- Summits Thrown Weapons Champion Hood
- 4 Painted Silk Banners
- 16th Century Black Wool Giltwork Gloves
- 16th Century Black and Red Wool/Velveteen embroidered Mittens
- 14th Century German Brickstitch Silk/Linen Sweetpouch
- Wool Satchel embroidered with designs from Novgorod in Laidwork
- 16th Century Italian Sleeves, embellished with couched goldwork and pearls
- Skjoldehamn Hood
- Wool Satchel embroidered with 16th century designs
- Wool rectangular construction coat
- Blackwork embroidered coif
- Painted Buckler
- Painted Shield
- Purchased and Donated 10x14 Norse Tent
- Purchased and Donated Labradorite Pendant
- Purchased and Donated Cast Buckles
- Purchased and Donated 5 yards banner silk
Heavy Marshal |
- September, 2012 - May 2018
Voice Heraldry: |
- Court 2016-Current
- Tournament 2012-Current
- Town Cry 2009-Current
Additional Classes Available to Teach: |
- 14th Century Liripipe Hood
- 14th Century Button-Front Hood
- Skjoldhamn Hood
- Basic Hand Sewing
- Seam Finishes and Treatments
- How Do I Process Into Court? Etiquette and Heralding Yourself
Argent, on a Phoenix gules a Thimble Or and in chief a Flame Gules