Bartolomea di Antonio Rossini

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Signora Marcella di Rossini shows her grace and good sportsmanship at a recent archery session (let the redhead win)

10 facts

  • 1. Marcella is not known in the SCA for any particular accomplishment. Rather, she is known for being herself, making her the non-skanky Paris Hilton of Seagirt. She will probably commit ritual suicide shortly after reading this.
  • 2. She is proud to be a member of Lionsdale's prestigious Press-Ganged Theatre Troupe
  • 3. After 10 years, she is still wearing newbie garb. All of her nice stuff was made by talented friends.
  • 4. Lived with Erasmus the Traveller and Aliena Searover for a time. No innocent bystanders were harmed, and great mutual affection still exists. Lived with Rosalind McAllister (aka Rose the Pure) for a time. Great mutual affection still exists, but innocent bystanders have been known to fall.
  • 5. You want a favour? Let milk chocolate do the asking.
  • 6. She is a disgustingly early riser. Fellow campers, you have been warned.
  • 7. As a member of the esteemed House ByOB, she is attempting to get over a serious case of helium hand.
  • 8. Yes, that is her natural hair color. No, she is not open to recreating a witch burning.
  • 9. There have been some unsvoury rumours regarding Marcella and Petey, the mascot of Monkey House. Neither party has confirmed nor denied these rumours.
  • 10. She enjoys instances of unfettered editorial control.

Award History (a case of simple math)

Award of Arms Mar 22 AS 37 / 2003
+Award of Arms Apr 3 AS 38 / 2004


=Lady Squared
  • Apparently the good people of Seagirt forgot she got her AoA the year before. Bless them all.

Rumour and Ill-Repute

While there are those who believe she is an overachiever destined for greatness, it is more likely that she will be distracted by her tragic lack of attention span.

Known Accomplices

She can most often be found in the company of: