Zaynab al~Munajjimah

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The persona story of Zaynab al~Munajjimah

Salaam Alaikum dear stranger.

You are traveling to the holy land? Well please, come and warm yourself by the fire. You haven't much further to travel. Has it been a long journey? My, that does sound taxing. Here, drink while you rest and let me tell you my story. My mother and father are blessed to be of Persian decent and even more blessed to be of the bloodline that will eventually be known as Domari. We are nomadic which means that we don't have a set place of residence. We make our home wherever we go.

How did we end up here? Our family travels with more of our kin. There had been news of a fierce Kurdish Warrior known as Salah Al Din leading an army against the heretic Crusaders invading from the west. We too were heading west. Why west you ask? Why, because we had come from the east. Where else would we go? but that is of no consequence right now. As I was explaining, we were traveling towards the holy land when our encampment was overcome by soldiers. Our encampment was destroyed and they took us captive. The strong and fearless of our men were taken away to be soldiers. However, Salah Al Din treats his slaves with cultured chivalry. The rest of our kin were brought to the war camps and the women were put to work as dyers and launderers. None of the women were raped and beaten under his control. We are very fortunate for since arriving we have heard stories of the vicious treatment of other slaves.

The people of this land have given us new names. We Dom have names that we use amongst ourselves, the reason for which is another story for another time. I was given the name of Zaynab Al~Munajjimah. Zaynab was the name given to the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. The soldier's Imam gave me the name when I first arrived, the reason I haven't learned yet. The other part of my name Al~Munajjimah, means fortune teller. When we started traveling with the great warrior's army I was a Laundress. I have visions of that which is to come though. I told a washer woman of her pregnancy before she knew of it. It wasn't long before I started prophesying for the soldiers. I was astonished and fearful the first time I was brought into the Great Leader's personal quarters to give insight into what would come. I told him of what I saw in my visions. I saw the holy land of Jerusalem free of the Crusaders and at peace. The great Salah Al Din once said that I should be honored that I was blessed by Allah with the gift of prophecy. Divining the future is a talent that has been used in our family as long as I can remember. My mother encouraged me to use my gift as she had and her mother before her. I have become well known for my gifts. My talents are the reason I became a favored slave and was given freedoms which is how you came to find me tonight.

Those? Our low lying tents that drew your attention my way are our homes. Since Salah Al Din took control of Jerusalem it has been safe for me and my people to come and live just outside the gates. We live as our people often have lived, separate from others not of our blood.

Our songs that you followed are often heard though the night air. We raise our voices singing, dancing and rejoice in our freedoms and our fortunes. Yes, we are poor and treated poorly by most but we are of the lucky fortunes to have been born of the Domari bloodline and to have the blessing of family, which is why we are so jubilant. We live and roam, therefore we are happy.

Yes, the sky does lighten. Soon it shall be morn. Oh of course dear pilgrim, please don't let me keep you from your travels. Inshallah, your road will be smooth without troubles and you find that which you seek upon your arrival. May Allah shine his fortunes upon you.