Honey War XXXVIII/2003
- Date
- June 20 to 22, XXXVIII/2003
- Branch
- Glymm Mere (Olympia, Tumwater & Lacey, WA)
- Autocrat
- Aric McBride, Salia Claire
- Site
- Northwest Equestrian Center, 10048 Highway 507, Rainier, WA 98576
- Annual Event
- Honey War
- Weather
- (briefly) Sample: Cold, with snow on the ground.
- Activities
- (highlights as mentioned in event copy)
- War
- Wacky Tacky Water Fight
Event Highlights
What happened in court.
Site Copy
Honey War in Glymm Mere
Northwest Equestrian Center, Tenino, WA
June 20-22, 2003
Site Fee: Adults: $12 Children $4 Non-Member Surcharge: $3
Membership card must be shown at Gate. Anyone over the age of fifteen pays the adult fee, anyone under six is free. Minor waivers are required for anyone under eighteen not attending with parent or guardian. You can find registration forms on the Kingdom of An Tir Corporate Publications page under "Forms Shelf".
SITE OPENS: 2pm Friday SITE CLOSES: 3pm Sunday
WATER: This is a primitive site. You are encouraged to bring your own water.
FIRE: NO GROUND FIRES! Braziers are allowed as long as they are 12 inches off the ground.
FIRE BAN: At this time we don't know if there will be a fire ban in effect. We will let you know as soon as we find out.
AUCTIONS: No "Auctions" for the benefit of personal households or individuals.
WOOD: Cutting any trees or brush on site is NOT permitted. Please supply own firewood.
PETS: Please clean up the poopy and barfy stuff from your pets. There will be a limited supply of bags at gate to aid you in this!
EQUESTRIAN ACTIVITIES: No equestrian activites are planned for this event. The arena is booked for a 4H event on Sunday so the arena, stalls, and horsey things are not available.
- Wandering Court
- Henna Party 8pm to ?
- Opening Court: 9am
- Armor Inspection: 10am
- War: 11:30am to 3pm (primary scenarios)
- Phred: 1pm to 5pm
- Rapier Activities: 2:30pm to 4:30pm
- Evening Court: 7pm
- Bardic: 8pm to dusk
- Middle Eastern Dancing: To immediately follow Bardic
- Closing Court: 10am
- Tackusmaximus Aquis Warius (Wacky Tacky Water War): Noon to 2pm
- War Moot: Noon to 2pm
8pm to dusk. The theme is Crusader and Saracen from any perspective. Extra points for bardic being about Honey War, it doesn't have to be *war* related, just something that happened at Honey War. Hosted by Her Excellency Baroness Rhonwen.
War Point Activities
- War Scenarios (heavy, light, and rapier): For info contact: Sir Walter of Minstead
- Heraldry
- Best Medeival Encampment (extra points for Saracen or Crusader)
- Best Medieval Merchants Tent (extra points for Saracen or Crusader)
- Childrens Activities (see information listed under Childrens Activities below)
- Most Volunteer Hours (Baroney and Office)
- Siege Cooking (NOT cancelled)
- Archery: For information please contact John Catharne.
- Best Brazen Hussy and Brass Husser: This is the person who best supports the Autocrat Team during the event by doing various things, such as perhaps helping them fetch and carry or cleanup.
- Best Cover For A Mundane Object Used in the SCA
Other Activities
- Phred: Hosted by Elisa de Besancon. Setup starts at noon on Saturday. Phred runs from 1pm to 5pm.
- War Moot: Will be held on Sunday to show support for Our King in times of war and such. Hosted by His Excellency Baron Aric.
- Wacky Tacky Water War: Also known as Tackusmaximus Aquis Warius, will also be on Sunday, hosted by Her Excellency Baroness Rhonwen.
Autocrat: Aric McBride
Co-Autocrat: Salia Claire
Merchantcrat: SaliaClaire
Gate: Jamesina O'Shanahan
Children's Activities
Saturday: 11:00am - 3:00pm Children's Scavenger Hunt - Griffonheart Tent - tent will fly a griffon heart banner near the Honey Cove.
4:00pm- 5:00pm Griffin Heart Games.. tent will fly a griffon heart banner near the Honey Cove.
7:00pm Children's Bardic Griffon Heart Tent
Merchants Attending Honey War
( if your business name is not listed here, please email me )
updated June 19, 2003
Water Wolf Cylestial Living Shadowfire Design
Eviless Stash T's Treasure Tigre Celtique
Shaughnessy's Fairy Dust Creations Prose and Steel
Frigga Green Needle Phoenix Peach Gia's Traditions
Crossroads Sir Blackhand Scottish Bear Arms
Magical Mehendi Emerald Isle PegLeg's Gifts/Crafts
Five Corners Stonebreakers Keep The Honey Cove
The Bee's Needs Ulfs Valhalla & Co.
Ex Labyrintus Ye Olde Small Marte
Desire Enterprises dba Temple Caffeina
(Links to event pictures off-site)
Sample: Twelfth Night Pictures By Lord Joe Populace
Personal Memories
(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)
Sample: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec sagittis leo quis metus. Vivamus convallis felis sed wisi. Nam aliquam turpis blandit leo. --Elizabeth Braidwood