Michele Aquilani da Napoli
The founding father of the Academia Santi Thomai Aquini. He was made a Whitescarf in An Tir by the hand of Count Nicholaus and Countess Alyssia in AS37. Currently a squire to Viscount Sir Durin Oldenmoor Tjorkilskin. Currently serving as the Kingdom Cut and Thrust Marshal in An Tir.
Has an Italian ecclesiastical persona who would have served at the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome around 1550. More commonly known as Eagle. He currently uses the ecclesiastical title of "Monsignore". He would have had frequent travels between San Bevignate Church in Perugia Italy and the Santa Maria del Carmine in Naples Italy.
Whitescarf Lineage: Gwylym ab Owain Tatershal to Giacomo Cavalli da Treviso to Michele Aquilani da Napoli.
Heavy Armor Lineage: Durin Oldenmoor Tjorkilskin to Michele Aquialani da Napoli (Squire)
Gallant (Terra Pomaria)
Award of Arms (An Tir)
Alpine Scholar (Summits)
Captain of Cats (Summits)
White Scarf (An Tir)
Grail of the Summits - Martial
Captain of Cats (Summits)
Defender of the Summits (Summits)
Silver Dolphin (Aquaterra)
Jewel of the Summits (Summits)
Blade and Buckler (Summits)
A&S Champion (Aquaterra)