Constanca Mateas

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Lady Helena at Twelfth Night XLIII

Lady Helena Zancani is mundanely known as Alana. She has been an active member of the Society since she was 12 years old. Helena has been active in West Kingdom, Atenveldt and several Shires and Baronies in An Tir. Helena was one of the founding members of Dregate Shire in An Tir, mundanely known as Omak, WA.


Name: Lady Helena Zancani

Origin: Venice, Italy

Location: Italy then England.

Current Year: 1536

Current Occupation: Wool Merchant

Helena was born in 1503 Venice to Lorenzo and Fiametta Zancani. The Zancani family where cloth merchants with ties to the wool trade in England and the silk trade from China. Fiametta had 4 children but, like most families, lost Nana at age 4 and Antonia at age 1 to a fever. Helena enjoyed an unusual education as she was allowed to attend morning lessons with her elder brother, Marcello. Afternoon lessons were more conventional 'womanly arts' with her mother. Helena excelled at maths and languages and began helping her father with bookkeeping in 1518. Extended war between Venice and the pope's League of Cambrai, and disgust with the pope's corruption cause Lorenzo and Fiametta to become secret Protestants by 1522. Due to declining silk trade and fear of being discovered, Lorenzo moves his family to York and exclusively trades in Wool, carrying woolen cloth between England and Antwerp.



  • Waterbearing
  • Constabulary



  • Waterbearing
  • Charter painting
-Completed: 1


  • Charter painting
-Completed: 3
-In Progress: 0


Arts & Sciences

  • 16th c. jewelry making
  • Archery (beginning)
  • Medieval and Renaissance cooking (beginning)
  • Embroidery
  • Costuming (emphasis on 16th c.)
  • Medieval and Renaissance dancing


  • Archery (beginner)

Awards and Recognition

  • 1st Bardic winner of Dregate Shire: 1998
  • Award of Arms: 2009
  • Defender of Arts and Sciences of Dragon's Mist, 2011.
  • First Dragon's Mist Bardic Champion, 2012.
  • Jambe de Leon, 2013
  • Hand of Fulla, 2013
  • Baroness's Favor, 2013

SCA Event History


  • Faire in the Grove, April 2007.
  • Blackthorne Revel, August 2007. Memorial wake for Esclave de Winter, a good man who embodied chivalry as much as any man could.






  • Twelfth Night, January 2012 (tentative).
  • Ursalmas, February 2012 (tentative).

Helena's World

Helena's Family Tree

Mother: Fiametta Zancani
Father: Lorenzo Zancani
1st Born: Marcello Zancani, son, born 1500
2nd Born: Helena Zancani, daughter, born 1503
3rd Born: Nana Zancani, daughter, born 1505 died 1509
4th Born: Antonia Zancani, daughter, born 1508 died 1509

World History in Helena's Time

* indicates persona history

*Marcello Zancani is born


  • Leonardo Loredan elected Doge of Venice

*Helena Zancani born

*Nana Zancani born


  • Leave of Cambrai formed between Venice's Neighbors and the Pope

*Antonia Zancani born


  • Venice defeated at Adnadello by the League of Cambrai.

*Nana and Antonia die of a consumptive fever

*A tutor is hired to teach Marcello. Helena is allowed to attend lessons to give Marcello someone to practice his Latin with. Helena is a good student and her father allows her to continue morning lessons of languages and maths while afternoon lessons are in the womanly arts with her mother.


  • Venice allies with France

*Helena begins helping her father keep his trade and account records.


  • Antonio Grimani is elected Doge of Venice.

*Extended war with the pope and disgust with his corruption cause Lorenzo and Fiametta to become secret Protestants.


  • End of Venice's involvement in the Italian Wars.
    Lady Helena Zancani at 12th Night 2010

*Marcello marries Isabella Bertucci.

*Lorenzo’s trade in silk has declined drastically due to Portuguese trading routes.

*Decline in eastern trade and a fear of being denounced as heretics cause Lorenzo to move his family to England.


  • Henry VIII becomes Head of the Church of England.

*The Zancani family establish themselves as wool merchants in York.


  • Henry VIII marries Anne Boleyn.


  • The dissolution of the monasteries begins.

*The Zancani family begins shifting their trade from the dominant monastic wool to secular woolen cloth producers.