Dante Machiavelli

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Dante Machiavelli

The face of villainy.
Mundane Name: Alan Baldwin
Age: 42
Current Rank: Lord (Order of the Goutte de Sang)
Location: Borealis (Stony Plain)
E-mail: [[1]]
Not to be trusted, I tell you.
The People of Borealis

This is the demo page I'm going to be using as a template to make pages for others in Borealis. Please don't tinker with it, outside of adding actual info. -Jamal, Self-Proclaimed Wikiteer of Borealis



Colourful, to say the least, Dante is the face many people remember when they think of Borealis.


Mundanely known as Alan Baldwin, and with at least as remarkable a history as his persona.

Awards and Positions

Award of Arms Apr 17 AS 33 / 1999

Champion of Rapier (Borealis) Apr 8 AS 34 / 2000

Goutte de Sang Feb 24 AS 35 / 2001

Silverwolf (Borealis) Apr 7 AS 35 / 2001

Gilded Griffin (Avacal) Dec 8 AS 36 / 2001

Named cadet to Albert Faulke of Sandford, Clinton War 2002

Forget-me-not Jan 11 AS 37 / 2003

Rapier Champion (Avacal) Feb 22 AS 37 / 2003 through Feb 28 AS 38 / 2004

Elder (Avacal) Feb 28 AS 38 / 2004

Champion of Rapier (Borealis) Aug 20 AS 40 / 2005

Iron Gauntlet (Avacal) Feb 25 AS 40 / 2006



Presumably some interest in Ye Olde Stabbing Implementes, though I'm not one to speculate.


Completely Inane Trivia

If I can do one thing and one thing only with this, it will be "let everyone ruin Dante's fireside stories." They should preferrably be true, but I will take malicious gossip in a pinch.

Prepare to Repel Boarders!

Dante is disallowed, by Kingdom law, from wearing brown pants to SCA events. Be sure to ask him why - but only if he's wearing his red shirt.