Our Two Worlds

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When our two worlds collide, they sometimes produce terrific stories.

(A "keeper" posting from the Steps, posed Aug 2006.)

This happened to a good friend, not me. The monday after an event Tom was headed to work, doing 15 to 20 over the speed limit. Somehow a State Patrolman thought that was not acceptable and pulled him over. Tom had not unloaded most of the gear yet, and on top was a sword and bow. The officer asked a couple of comments since he was also at the event and thought he remembered seeing Tom. Apparently they met at a bardic fire where Tom had mentioned a song he had prepared to sing, but the noise curfew came before he had sung it. So the patrolman traded boon for boon, he let Tom off but Tom was stuck singing the song to the officer, during rush hour, on the side of the freeway.

Marcos de Foronda

My very brand-new-to-the-SCA ex and I were headed up to an event in Lionsgate years and years ago [the phrase 'my ex' is the clue here] and, as usual, were stopped by Canadian Customs coming over the border. Now we seldom had problems with Canadian Customs. They were cool and had an innate understanding of all the toys and funny clothes, etc. [Unlike some of the folks coming back in US Customs]. But that day it seemed as if it would be a lot different.

The woman at the Customs booth took all our ID and leaned in the cart checking that the ID was really us. She looked into the car that was *very* packed as only a VW Rabbit can be for an event. She then left her booth and walked around the car a couple of times and got back into her booth. By then I had visions of being turned back if we were lucky and stuck at the border for hours if we weren't.

Then she started asking questions.

Her: Where are you from?

Us: Tacoma, Washington

Her: Why are you coming to Canada?

Us: To go to a weekend medieval recreation campout [or some such]

Her: How long will you be in the country?

Us: Just this weekend.

Her: And where will you be staying?

Us: McLean Boy Scout Camp [we showed her the Crier with the map and everything]

Her: And who's the current King of An Tir?

Us: HUH!?!?!?!? Ah... Steingrim?

Her: .You may pass - Safe journey, M'Lord, M'Lady!

And she waved us on across the border into Northern An Tir.

And that's the day we discovered that we had SCA folks working Customs.


Interesting story! I have heard that similar happened to Darius when he King and going South. When asked who was King he responded truthfully that he was, and the Customs sort bowed and wished him a pleasant journey!

I have also seen a story about Berengaria, when she was Queen and coming North to Clinton War, she had to show the Crown to Canadian Customs, with which the Guard started yelling to his co workers that He had the Queen! Apparently there used to be (maybe still is!) a contest with the Guards to find the first Knight coming North for a major SCA event. This guard one-upped them! So maybe the person in question was not SCA, but SCA friendly! I have other tales of crossing that line, but perhaps others have tales to tell as well.

Colin Mackay Lions Gate.

Added note: When Viscount Edward Zifran (the Bloody Bastard) of Gendy lived in An Tir, he used to work on the US side of the several border crossings between Lions Gate (Greater Vancouver B.C.) and Shittimwoode (Bellingham, WA) as a customs broker (I believe). Much of the goodwill felt by the SCA at those crossings can be traced back to his very personable presence among the border workers.

Not that long ago (say about 2005), as I talked to the nice older gent border guard on my way south, he paused and asked "Do you know Ed?". Startled (and surprising myself), I asked "You mean Ed Morrill? He was a little before my time, but my husband knew him. We hear he's happily living in New York these days." "Well if you see him, tell him hello from Hank." he replied, and waved me through. --Elizabeth Braidwood 19:45, 29 Aug 2006 (EDT)